This file contains the edited output of running grep PENDING on the webclient files. This report was generated on 08 March 2000. // PENDING(edburns): Is this needed: // private BrowserControlIdleThread idleThread; .\classes_spec\org\mozilla\webclient\ // PENDING(edburns): do some magic to determine the right kind of .\classes_spec\org\mozilla\webclient\ // PENDING(edburns): when we have a java implementation, this is .\classes_spec\org\mozilla\webclient\ // PENDING(edburns): test code, replace with production code .\classes_spec\org\mozilla\webclient\test\ // PENDING(edburns): maybe we need to put this in some sort of * Called from java to allow the native code to process any pending .\classes_spec\org\mozilla\webclient\wrapper_native\ // PENDING() should this be done using an nsActionEvent subclass? .\src_moz\CurrentPageImpl.cpp // PENDING(edburns): take this out mRefCnt = 1; // PENDING(edburns): not sure about how right this is to do. .\src_moz\DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp * PENDING(): this should probably live in EventRegistration.h *
PENDING(): we could do away with the switch statement using * PENDING(): implement nativeRemoveListener, which must call // PENDING(edburns): make sure do DeleteGlobalRef on the removeListener while(gtk_events_pending()) { // PENDING(mark): Does this work on the Mac? eventQueue->ProcessPendingEvents(); printf("EventHandler: Done processing pending events\n"); .\src_moz\NativeEventThread.cpp // PENDING(edburns): I'm not sure if we need to keep the .\src_moz\RDFEnumeration.cpp // PENDING(edburns): assert rdf_InitRDFUtils() // PENDING(edburns): assert rdf_InitRDFUtils() // PENDING(edburns): assert rdf_InitRDFUtils() // PENDING(mark): I suppose this is where I need to go into my explaination of why .\src_moz\motif\BrowserControlNativeShimStub.cpp // PENDING(mark): I suppose this is where I need to go into my explaination of why .\src_moz\motif\MotifBrowserControlCanvasStub.cpp // PENDING(mark): I suppose this is where I need to go into my explaination of why .\src_moz\motif\NativeLoaderStub.cpp The first interface asked for must be "webclient.BrowserControlCanvas". PENDING(): is this requirement a problem? The user must then add() the canvas to its window hierarchy. PENDING(): is it a problem that the user must add() the BrowserControlCanvas in order for createWindow() to be called, to do per-window initialization? The WebShellInitContext instance is created as a result of calling WindowControl.createWindow(). PENDING(): it should be destroyed as a result of calling BrowserControl.terminate(). This abstract base class RDFTreeNode provides a java wrapper to the mozilla RDF implementation. PENDING(): this only works with RDF graphs that don't have cycles. This concrete subclass of RDFTreeNode provides a Properties instance into which the bookmarks meta-data is stored. PENDING(): not yet implemented. spec-compliant-design.html