Webclient FAQ

I. Building webclient

  Q1: I can't get webclient to build, can you please help me?

  A1: This is the number one problem people have with webclient, partly
  due to the relatively complex building process, partly due to multiple
  build environments existing.  Here's what happens when webclient is
  built.  For each step, I'll list the directory in which the command is
  occurring, followed by some text about what happens and the outcome:

    1. mozilla\java

    nmake -f Makefile.win

    Causes the make to simply traverse into the util directory, followed by
    the webclient directory.

    2. mozilla\java\util

    nmake -f Makefile.win (called from step 1)

    Causes make to traverse into the classes directory

    3. mozilla\java\util\classes

    nmake -f Makefile.win (called from step 2)

    This actually builds the java classes in the subdirectory
    org\mozilla\util.  After this completes, you should have the following
    directory structure:


    4. mozilla\java\webclient

    nmake -f Makefile.win (called from step 1, after step 3 completes)

    Causes make to traverse into the classes directory, then the src

    5. mozilla\java\webclient\classes

    This actually builds the java classes in the subdirectories
    org\mozilla\util.  After this completes, you should have the following
    directory structure, in addition to the one from step 3:


    6. mozilla\java\webclient\src

    nmake -f Makefile.win (called from step 5, after step 5 completes)

    This builds the JNI header files, then builds the C++ classes that
    implement them.  

    First, it checks to see that the proper .class files have been built in
    steps 3 and 5.  If not, it should fail.  

    If the proper classes have been built, it generates the
    BrowserControlNativeShim.h header file, then the object files, then the
    dynamic library

    The most important thing is to see that steps 3, 5 and 6 complete
    successfully.  Here's a dependency graph.  A<-B means B depends on A.

    Step 3. <- Step 5. <- Step 6.

    When reporting problems, please tell me which steps fail.

II. Debugging Webclient

  Q1: How do you debug webclient on Win32?

  A1: Use the Microsoft Visual C++ debugger

    0. Build webclient successfully and run it as far as you can.

    1. cd %JDKHOME%\bin 

    2. msdev .\java.exe 

    3. go to Projects->Settings->Debug

      In the "Program Arguments" field, fill in the arguments to
      java.exe from the "runem.bat" batch file generated in step 0.  It
      should be something like:

      -Djava.library.path=D:\Projects\mozilla\dist\win32_d.obj\bin -classpath D:\Projects\mozilla\dist\classes;D:\Projects\mozilla\sun-java\classrc11;D:\Projects\mozilla\sun-java\classrc org.mozilla.webclient.test.EmbeddedMozilla D:\Projects\mozilla\dist\win32_d.obj\bin <INSERT STARTING URL HERE>

      Change the "Category" to "Additional DLLs".  Click on the little
      dotted box icon.  A text field should appear with the cursor
      blinking and a button with "..." to the right of it.  Click on the
      "..." button.  Select the webclient.dll in the mozilla bin directory.

    4. You can now load webclient .cpp source files and set breakpoints.