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Pluglet Developers Guide

Pluglet Examples

overview | MIME types | display modes | API index

Java Media Player (JMPlayer) Example


This is an example of a Pluglet that is a media player. It uses the MediaPlayer bean from the Java Media Framework. Note that a similar example could be given for an applet using the MediaPlayer, but there is an advantage here: the Pluglet is installed in the browser and ready to play, whereas the applet would have to download class files, causing considerable delay in playing the media.

Using Java Media Framework

The example uses one bean from the Java Media Framework ( and one interface ( MediaPlayer provides player capability for a range of media types (.avi, .mpeg, .swf, . mov ....) Typically the ControllerListener i interface is implemented by a class whose objects want to be listeners to events occurring on objects of another class; it has one method, controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent event) that can be used to respond in some way to a Controller event. A < code>ControllerListener is added to a Controller v ia the addControllerListener (ControllerListener listener) method of the < code>Controller. (In our example, MediaPlayer is a Controller, s since it extends, and < code>Player is the class that implements ControllerListener. Thus a Player object gets notification of events from a MediaPlayer b bean.)

For more information about the Java Media Framework, see

JMPlayer Pluglet

The following is meant to provide an overview of how this Pluglet works.

Press the button to view the source code:

When the browser encounters a MIME type for this Pluglet, PlugletEngine creates an instance o of JMPlayer. (Here the PlugletFactory implementation is JMPlayer; the Pluglet implementation is Player; and the PlugletStreamListener implementation is JMPlayerStreamListener.)

The browser then calls the initialize() method of JMPlayer, passing it an instance of PlugletManager. Then it calls the createPluglet() method of JMPlayer, returning an instance of Pluglet, i.e., an instance of Player. Note that Player implements ControllerListener in addition to Pluglet.

The browser then initializes the Player instance, passing it an instance of PlugletPeer, provides it with a frame by calling setWindow(Frame frame), and calls start() . start() creates the MediaPlayer object called player (not to be confused with the Player class), creates a new Panel object called panel, and adds player to panel . The stage is now set for action.

When data is ready to be read, the browser calls the newStream() method of Player, returning listener, an instance of JMPlayerStreamListener. newStream() also calls listener.setPlayer() and passes a reference to the current Player object to it. (This would be the new Player created by the factory.) This method sets the variable jmp (of type Player) of JMPlayerStreamListener to the Player that is passed.

When the media begins loading and the brower calls onStartBinding() , jmp.PlayFile() is called with the URL for the data stream. (The boolean returned is checked and an error is indicated if the value is false; i.e., if player is unable to handle the MIME type of the URL.) PlayFile() sets the location of the media (URL), and if all is well it then adds the Player (jmp of JMPlayerStreamListener which called playFile()) as a listener to the MediaPlayer (player). Finally, it calls realize() on player. (realize() constructs the media-dependent portions of the Controller.)

(Note that jmp mentioned above was set in JMPlayerStreamListener when the Player object was passed to listener.setPlayer() in the newStream() method of Player. Thus jmp is the new Player object created initially by the factory, JMPlayer.)

Since the Player, jmp, is now a listener (ControllerListener) to player, jmp gets notification when RealizeCompleteEvent occurs, and controllerUpdate() then calls player.prefetch(). When prefetching is complete, a PrefetchCompleteEvent is generated, indicating that the controller has preloaded media data and acquired the exclusive-use resources it needs to start. When a PrefetchCompleteEvent occurs, dimensions are set for the Panel, player.start() is called (not to be confused with the start() method of Player), and the frame appears.

If all goes well, the media is played.

Java DOM Viewer Example


The Java DOM Viewer (DOMViewer) Pluglet allows you to view a document as a tree structure of object nodes that compose the document. It is an application launched as a Pluglet when a page is loaded containing an EMBED or OBJECT element specifying TYPE="application/dom-viewer".

The EMBED or OBJECT element is embedded in the page as the first child element of the BODY element.

This Pluglet depends on the Java DOM implementation, i.e., it acquires access to the DOM via the implementation of the w3c Java Bindings to the DOM. Thus you must h have built the Java DOM for this example to work, and you must have the org.w3c.dom classes in your CLASSPATH.

The example uses three files with a total of six classes and one interface:


class DOMViewerFactory
interface DOMTreeNotifier
class DOMTreeModel
class DOMCellRenderer
class DOMViewer


class DOMAccessPanel


class DOMTreeDumper

To view the source code, select:

Note: The information that follows provides an overview of the code.

The DOMViewerFactory class, which this file contains, implements Pluglet Factory. Thus it creates an instance of DOMViewer, which implements Pluglet.

The initialize() method of DOMViewer does much of the work in two code blocks:

In the first code block, the goal is to set the root node for the DOM tree. This is accomplished by getting the PlugletTagInfo< for the PlugletPeer, next getting the DOM element for the Pluglet via the getDOMElement() method of PlugletTagInfo, then getting the Document (doc object) for the element via the element's getOwnerDocument() method. Finally, the element for Document doc is obtained via the getDocumentElement() method of Document. This element is then set as the root node (rootNode).

In the second code block, an instance of DOMTreeModel is created with rootNode passed as node. (DOMTreeModel implements javax.swing.tree.TreeModel and the DOMTreeNotifier interface that is defined in TreeModel includes methods for adding listeners and obtaining basic information about a tree; DOMTreeNotifier includes methods for notification when a tree has changed.) The instance is treeModel. treeModel is then passed to a new instance of DOMAccessPanel called elementPanel, so that the tree can be manipulated. (DOMAccessPanel is discussed in the next section.) It is also passed to a new instance of JTree called tree so that it can be viewed. tree adds elementPanel as a selection listener and sets a cell renderer. tree is then added to a new JScrollPane and then the JScrollPane instance (treePane) is added to a new JPanel (panel).

The setWindow() method of the Pluglet then adds panel and elementPanel to a JFrame object (frame) via a vertical JSplitPane object, displaying panel on the top (with the tree structure) and the various buttons, fields, and combo boxes of elementPanel below for manipulation.

Below is the DOMViewer for test.html, which is included in the Pluglet examples/dom directory:

Note that the newStream() method returns a null object; there is no data stream involved in this example. start() , stop(), and destroy() are included but have neither variables nor methods defined. extends JPanel and implements three listener interfaces:

  • ActionListener
  • ItemListener
  • TreeSelectionListener

The constructor sets up the various panels, text areas, and buttons used to manipulate the DOM.

An instance of DOMTreeNotifier is passed to the constructor, which allows an instance of DOMAccessPanel to discover if the tree has changed in some way.


To implement ActionListener, DOMAccessPanel implements actionPerformed(ActionEvent e). actionPerformed(...) responds to the various button- accessible events on the panel (Set, Remove, New, Insert ...).


To implement ItemListener, DOMAccessPanel implements itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e). An ItemEvent occurs when an item -- in this case a node -- is selected or deselected. itemStateChanged() then responds to that event.

If node is not null and there is a selected item in the Attributes combo box (bottom left JComboBox as shown above highlighted in yellow), then the Set button (type JButton) is enabled. If node.getAttributes() returns a NamedNodeMap (e.g., not null) and the index of the selected named attribute is 0 or greater (aName.getSelectedIndex() >= 0), then the value of the attribute is set as follows:

aValue.setText(attrMap.item(aName.getSelectedIndex()).getNodeValue() );

where attrMap = node.getAttributes()

Thus the text for the value (aValue of the JTextField) is set by (1) getting the index of the name (aName); (2) passing that to the item() method of the NamedNodeList (of attributes), which returns the node (attribute-node); (3) then applying the getNodeValue() method of node to the attribute-node. The user can also enter a new value, and with the Set button enabled, the actionPerformed() method will update the value when Set is pressed.


To implement TreeSelectionListener, DOMAccessPanel implement the valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) method. Then, when a TreeSelectionEvent occurs on the tree, valueChanged() is passed the event and checks if a path has been added via e.isAddedPath(). If so, the node information for the last node in the path is updated. valueChanged() then sets nodePath to the new node path, and from the event it sets tree to the source of the event.

The DOMAccessPanel class also contains methods to update node information, create, insert, append, and remove a node, as well as save the changes to a document. The saveDoc() method uses the DOMTreeDumper class, which is discussed next.

saveDoc() in DOMAccessPanel creates an instance of DOMTreeDumper (if there isn't one already) and calls the dumpToFile() method of DOMTreeDumper , passing a file name and the document associated with the node.

dumpToFile() then creates a new file output stream (fos) and print stream (ps) and calls dumpDocument(), passing to it the document (doc). dumpDocument() then gets the document element -- i.e., the root element of the document via the doc.getDocumentElement() -- and calls dumpNode() , passing the document element to it.

dumpNode() then gets the node type, as well as the node name and value. type is ELEMENT_NODE (the element is HTML element), so control is transferred to case Node.ELEMENT_NODE and dumpAttribute(node) and dumpChildren(node)get called.

The first method calls dumpNode() for each attribute of the HTML element; the second method calls dumpNode() for the children. If the children have children, then the children will call dumpNode() for all their children. Eventually, every node of every type in the tree will be dumped.

DOM Demo

Below is a demonstation you can run showing how DOMViewer can change DOM element attribute values on a web page. The demo here uses a page containing a table with a single row and column that initally has a background color of red (bgcolor=#ff6666), no border (border=0), table height and width of 125 (height=125, width=125, and that is aligned in the center of the page (align=center).

The demo shows the table attribute values being changed. First the value is highlighted in yellow as it is changed, then the Set button is highlighted as it is pushed, causing the new valued to take effect in the Mozilla browser. The Description field above the Start Demo button tells you what is happening.



Blackwood Release 0.9/Netscape PR3 Last modified 2/05/2001