Bugzilla version 2.13

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Bug List

Thu Jul 5 22:42:26 PDT 2001
Most people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.

43 bugs found.
74742 nor--Sunashuk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEBuild problems when using Forte compilers
82611 nor--Sunashuk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEBlackConnect does not work on Solaris when built with Forte
67457 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXExpidl_java does not translate [noscript] method descriptions
69234 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEmakefile.win is missing a dependency
71948 enh--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXE[RFE] Blackconnect needs a serviceManager
71951 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEBlackconnect has no CID
74511 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEremove nsIComponentManager.java and such from the repositor
74514 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXExpidl -m java should be able to produce java class in defaul
74525 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEorg.mozilla.xpcom.IID should be used in intreface definition
74676 nor--Sunidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEblackwood components have link dependency on each other
77140 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEcalls from java to xpcom and back should be thread transpare
77693 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEnsCIDRef doesn't pass from C++ to Java
78281 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEbcJavaStubsAndProxies not thread-safe
78288 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEORB not thread safe
78865 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEOIDs should be unique across all ORB
78866 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEbcIORB should provide API for registering stubs with OID
79289 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEit should be possible to start XPOM from Java
80677 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOINVAxpidl compiler creates incorrect header files
80867 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEBlackConnect can not pass NULL IID
80913 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEBlackConnect's build on Linux is broken now
80938 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEBlackConnect tests should be checked in to mozilla's tree
81617 cri--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEcrash when wstring is transferred from C++ to Java
82098 cri--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEMozilla crashes when longlong, ulonglong and double types ar
82925 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEjava/xpcom/test build does not work on windows
83718 nor--Sunidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEBlackConnect does not build on Solaris in Non-Debug mode
83766 nor--PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEblackConnect build with jdk1.4 does not work
88176 nor--Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEthere is no DetachCurrentThread for AttachCurrentThread cal
65499 nor--PCsdv@sparc.spb.suRESOFIXEmakefile won't make on win98 - java\xpcom\xpcom
65506 nor--PCsdv@sparc.spb.suRESOFIXEMissing bcJavaSample.java in ..java\xpcom\java\components
57781 norP1PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEMozilla crashes when null string is transferred from C++ to
82729 criP1Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEBlackconnect should not crash mozilla on improper CLASSPATH
86789 norP1Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEthe bridge does not deallocate objects
57790 norP2PCidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEC++ xpcom object can't correctly get null string from Java x
15502 enhP3Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEThread-safe method dispatch
15507 enhP3Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXETranslate XPCOM error codes to Java exceptions
15508 enhP3Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOINVATranslate C++ "success codes" to Java in threadsafe way
15510 enhP3Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXETranslate Java exceptions to C++ error codes
56706 norP3Othidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEbcORB not thread safe
56728 norP3Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEbcJavaComponentFactory not thread-safe
56734 norP3Allidk@eng.sun.comRESODUPLbcJavaStubsAndProxies not thread-safe
56738 norP3Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEbcJavaComponentLoader not thread-safe
56740 norP3Allidk@eng.sun.comRESOFIXEbcXPCOMStubsAndProxies not thread-safe
15504 enhP3Allidk@eng.sun.comVERIDUPLThread-safe reference counting
43 bugs found.
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