Welcome! The following instructions are a barebones installation and configuration guide for setting up and using the ICAST Viewer & Guide software. You should have: - this file, mozilla_readme.txt - another file called vgmaster.exe - a PC running Windows 95 or Windows NT (Intel-based) - an Internet connection, ISDN speed or greater, with access to the MBone (see www.mbone.com for more about that) To install the Viewer & Guide: 1. Download vgmaster.exe if you haven't already. 2. Execute vgmaster.exe. 3. When the ICAST Setup program launches, select Viewer & Guide. 4 When the Installer comes up, select Next and proceed to select the default settings on each screen. 5. At the Program Registration screen, enter this serial number: 10F1300NETSCAPE and this activiation key: c46ec34bdb931cad 6. Continue to select the default settings. 7. At the final screen select Run the Viewer & Guide and then click Finish. Unless� you're Danish :-) 8. When the Guide launches, it begins to receive channel announcements and list them in the upper panel. When you see one you are interested in, double-click it. 9 The Viewer launches and you can now view the channel. 10. Enjoy the show! Note If you repeated open separate channels, a separate Viewer (channel viewing window) is launched. The more windows you open, the more CPU is required and performance begins to degrade. So don't go crazy with the chezewhiz, dude! Visit www.icast.com to find out more about ICAST's IP multicast products for broadcasting and viewing video, voice, and text. And buy something! Included below is the standard README stuff that comes with this product: ICAST Viewer & Guide Release 2.2 README file ============================================ Last updated March 31, 1998 Thank you for choosing the ICAST Viewer & Guide for Windows 95/NT! This file includes last-minute information that could not be included in the product documentation. We recommend that you print this file and keep it with your printed documentation for future reference. This file is not a complete guide to the product. For additional information, refer also to the - on-line ICAST Viewer & Guide manuals, installed with the � product - on-line help files, installed with the product - support materials on ICAST's web site, www.icast.com Contents -------- * How to find out more from ICAST Corporation * Where to find the latest product information * What's new with Release 2.2 * Troubleshooting guide * Problems fixed with Release 2.2 * Known product problems and workarounds � - Viewer � - Guide � - Plug-ins * Additions and corrections to the product documentation How to find out more from ICAST Corporation =========================================== Please visit these locations on ICAST's web site for more information about - ICAST Corporation http//www.icast.com/about/ - technical support http//www.icast.com/support/ - other ICAST products http//www.icast.com/products/ - contacting ICAST http//www.icast.com/contact/ Where to find the latest product information ============================================ The most up-to-date information about this product can be accessed on the ICAST Support Web at http//www.icast.com/support/. Here you'll find - tips for using and configuring ICAST products - information about configuring your network and routers - information about compatibility and performance with a � variety of computer hardware - the latest lists of documentation errata and known � problems and workarounds - instructions for reporting product problems What's new with Release 2.2 =========================== - Support for H.263 video compression - Improved plug-in viewer support for web browsers, � including Netscape Navigator 4.0 and Microsoft � Internet Explorer 4.0 - Automatic start-up of the ICAST Guide - Support for integrating third-party viewer products Troubleshooting guide ===================== Included below are a few of the most common troubleshooting hints. For more detailed troubleshooting help, visit the ICAST Support Web at http//www.icast.com/support/. Symptom Channels do not appear in the Guide -------------------------------------------- Steps to take (1) Wait a few minutes. When you first start the ICAST Guide, ��� it may begin with an empty channel list. Channels are ��� advertised periodically, often at three-minute intervals. (2) Make sure that there is an ICAST Broadcaster on your ��� network that is advertising channels. (a) If there is, make sure that its channels are enabled for ��� Advertising SDR (in the "Broadcaster ID" settings). (b) If there isn't, try starting a Broadcaster on the same ��� subnetwork segment as your Guide and create a channel. Symptom The Guide lists channels from my subnet, but not from outside of my subnet --------------------------------------------------------- Steps to take (1) Make sure that the router that connects your subnet ��� the rest of your network is multicast-enabled. Contact ��� your network administrator about that, or refer to the ��� ICAST Support Web for more information about router ��� configuration. (2) Make sure that the channels being broadcast from outside ��� of your subnet have their TTL settings greater than 1 and ��� sufficiently high to reach your subnet. Contact your network ��� administrator to find out what TTL values are required. ��� Note that some versions of the ICAST Broadcaster have ��� a fixed TTL=1. If that is the case, you will need to ��� upgrade your Broadcaster (contact sales@icast.com) or ��� move the Broadcaster's network connection to your subnet. Symptom The Guide lists channels from other subnets within my organization's network, but does not list channels from the MBone ----------------------------------------------------------- Steps to take (1) Make sure that the router used to connect your �� organization to the Internet is multicast-enabled. Contact �� your network administrator about that, or refer to the �� ICAST Support Web for more information about router �� configuration. (2) Make sure that your organization's Internet Service ��� Provider ISP has enabled multicast for your Internet ��� service. Contact the ISP about that, or refer to the ��� ICAST Support Web for more information about getting ��� connected to the MBone. Symptom When I launch the Viewer on a channel listed in the Guide, there is no video or audio or text ----------------------------------------------------------- Steps to take (1) Make sure that the channel is scheduled to be broadcasting. ��� Channels can be announced in advance of broadcasting, and ��� depending on your Guide settings, you may see channels ��� listed which have already completed their scheduled ��� broadcast. Look for the Start Time in the upper panel of ��� the Guide, select the channel, and then look for the ��� Finish Time in the lower pane. (2) Make sure that the Broadcaster is actually broadcasting. ��� Even though a channel is listed in the Guide, and is ��� scheduled to be broadcasting, it may not be broadcasting. ��� Right-click in the Viewer, select Channels, and the ��� choose the Active Sources tab. If no active sources ��� appear, then the Broadcaster is not broadcasting. Symptom I get unexpected audio, video, or text, on a channel. ----------------------------------------------------- Steps to take (1) It is possible for more than one Broadcaster to broadcast ��� on the same IP address and port number, and you may be ��� receiving audio, video, or text from a different ��� Broadcaster than you expected. Right-click in the Viewer, ��� select Channels, and the choose the Active Sources tab. ��� Click on the selection arrow for the unexpected item ��� (audio, video, or text) to see if there are multiple ��� sources present. If there are, try selecting and applying ��� different sources until you find the one that you were ��� expecting, or select different sources and click on ��� the Stats button to see more information about each ��� source. For Audio sources, make sure that "Keep All" ��� is not selected unless you want to hear a mixture of ��� all active audio sources. (2) Microsoft Windows 95 TCP/IP networking has a problem ��� which causes a broadcast from one IP address and port ��� number to be received by a Viewer that has selected a ��� broadcast with a different IP address but the same port ��� number. Follow step (1) to choose the appropriate ��� Active Source. Broadcasters can avoid this problem ��� by choosing unique port numbers for their broadcasts. Problems fixed with Release 2.2 =============================== 10033, 10035 Video freezes or corrupts in Navigator and ������ Internet Explorer plug-ins 10034 Audio continues to play when you leave an Internet ������ Explorer plug-in page. 10063 Multiple Text active sources cannot be accessed 10065 NT Task Manager freezes Direct Draw video display 10087 Changing Display settings causes video to stop 10146 ActiveX plug-ins do not work with Microsoft ������ Internet Explorer 4.0 Known product problems and workarounds Viewer ============================================== 10019 New sources do not appear in the Active Sources list if they become active while you are viewing the list ----------------------------------------------------------- Problem The Active Sources list is not updated in real-time. Sources that become active while the list is being displayed will not appear in the list. Workaround Close the Active Sources dialog and re-open it to see the current list of Active Sources. 10029 Active Sources status only represents video sources ---------------------------------------------------------- Problem The status display which shows the current count of sources only counts video sources. If a channel does not contain a video element, or if the number of audio or text sources is different from the number of video sources, the status display may be misleading. Workaround Right-click in the Viewer, select Channels, choose the Active Sources tab, and click on the selection arrow for the text or audio sources list. You will see a list of all active sources for that element. 10032 Tracking problem between Viewer volume control and audio card mixer volume control --------------------------------------------------------- Problem If you adjust the Viewer volume control, the audio card's mixer volume control (for wave input) tracks the adjustment. However, if you adjust the audio card's mixer volume control, the Viewer volume control doesn't track. After doing that, if you adjust the Viewer volume control, the mixer control abruptly jumps back into sync with the Viewer control. Workaround Don't adjust the mixer volume control. Use the Viewer volume control instead. 10046, 10121 Corrupted Text broadcasts --------------------------------------- Problem Text broadcasts may become corrupted if the text file source is unusually small or contains unusually short line lengths. Workaround To broadcast short textual messages, repeat the message several times within the text file source. Avoid short line lengths by appending multiple short lines together into longer lines. Insert multiple empty lines at the beginning of the text file. 10060 Volume control on one Viewer controls volume for all Viewer controls the same computer. ----------------------------------------------------------- Problem When running multiple Viewers, volume control adjustments on one Viewer will adjust the volume for all of the other Viewers. Workaround In cases where a normal volume setting on one Viewer results in an abnormally loud volume setting on another Viewer, set the Mute button on for the second Viewer before adjusting the volume on the first Viewer. When you want to listen to the second Viewer, adjust its volume before setting its Mute buttton off. 10066, 10178 Socket error messages appear when no TCP/IP stack is installed or if network is disconnected -------------------------------------------------- Problem Running the Guide or the Viewer with no TCP/IP stack installed results in a series of socket error messages. Workaround Install a TCP/IP stack and do not disconnect from the network. Didn't you read the manual!? 10119 Video View Only mode is not saved along with other window settings --------------------------------------------------------- Problem If you exit and restart the Viewer, Video View Only mode is always unselected. Other window size, position, and mode settings are saved between sessions. Workaround None. 10122 Delay between starting the Viewer and first display of Text ------------------------------------------------------------- Problem When the Viewer is started for a channel that is broadcasting Text, there may be a delay of several seconds before Text display begins. Workaround None. 10124 Video view becomes green ------------------------------- Problem Sometimes a Viewer will show only green instead of video. This is caused by a color map problem on the Broadcaster. Workaround This problem must be corrected on the ICAST Broadcaster. See Known Problem 10075 in the Broadcaster README.TXT file. 10168 Text continues to scroll after broadcast has completed ------------------------------------------------------------- Problem If a channel is broadcasting Text at the time it stops broadcasting, the Viewer will continue to display text. Workaround Exit the Viewer. Known product problems and workarounds Guide ============================================= 10061 Autolaunch doesn't work more than once on a channel ---------------------------------------------------------- Problem If you launch a Viewer by selecting Autolaunch for a particular channel, close the Viewer and unselect Autolaunch, and then select Autolaunch again, the channel will not launch again. Workaround Exit the Guide program and restart it to re-enable Autolaunch for that channel. 10062 Double-clicking the Autolaunch column may launch unexpected Viewer or channels ------------------------------------------------------- Problem If you have selected one channel, and then double-click the Autolaunch column for another channel, the first channel will launch a Viewer. If the second channel is scheduled for broadcast at that time, it too will launch a Viewer. Workaround Double-click in the Channels column to launch a Viewer. Single-click in the Autolaunch column to set or unset Autolaunch. 10066, 10178 Socket error messages when no TCP/IP stack is installed or if network is disconnected ----------------------------------------------------------- Problem Running the Guide or the Viewer with no TCP/IP stack installed results in socket error messages. Workaround Install a TCP/IP stack and do not disconnect from the network. Known product problems and workarounds Plug-ins ================================================ Problems with older versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer ------------------------------------------------------ Problem Some problems exist with older versions of web browsers, ranging from plug-ins not functioning at all with browser versions 2.X and previous, to various video and audio problems using early 3.X versions. Workaround ICAST does not support Microsoft or Netscape 2.X or early 3.X version web browsers. Upgrade to Internet Explorer version 3.02 (or newer) and Navigator version 3.03 (or newer). 10074, 10132 ActiveX Controls don't work with applications other than Internet Explorer ----------------------------------------------------------- Problem The ActiveX plug-ins do not work properly when inserted into applications other than Internet Explorer (e.g. Microsoft Word). Workaround None. ICAST's ActiveX plug-ins do not support this use. 20043 Cannot view video in more than one Netscape plug-in on the same page ---------------------------------------------------------- Problem If more than one video viewer is embedded in the same HTML page and you open the page with Netscape Navigator, only the first viewer plug-in will display video. The others remain blank. Workaround None. ICAST's Navigator plug-in does not currently support multiple simultaneous video plug-ins. 20044, 20075 Audio is not received by a Viewer if an audio plug-in is active ----------------------------------------------------- Problem If you open a web page containing an audio plug-in and then open a standalone Viewer, the Viewer will not receive audio. Workaround Close the web browser and the Viewer, and then re-open the Viewer. 20076 Only the first of multiple audio plug-ins receives audio --------------------------------------------------------- Problem If you open a web page with multiple audio plug-ins, or two web browsers with audio plug-ins, only the first one will receive audio. There is no way to switch audio focus to the other plug-in. Workaround None. ICAST's Internet Explorer and Navigator plug-ins do not support this usage. Additions and corrections to the product documentation ====================================================== Manual Using the ICAST Viewer & Guide Chapter Installation Section Reinstalling, Updating, or Uninstalling Additional material ��� In addition to the instructions described in this ��� section, you must also exit the Viewer and Guide ��� programs before you uninstall or reinstall the programs. Thank you for choosing ICAST! ============================= Copyright (c) 1997-8, ICAST Corporation All Rights Reserved