HTML 4.0 Lists

An unordered list:

An ordered list:

  1. Middlefield
  2. Ellis
  3. Whisman

A definition list:

Lower cost
The new version of this product costs significantly less than the previous one!
Easier to use
We’ve changed the product so that it’s much easier to use!
Safe for kids
You can leave your kids alone in a room with this product and they won’t get hurt.

The following ordered list should start at #50 (uses the start attribute on the <ol>) and the third item should be #60 (uses the value attribute on the <li>):

  1. Middlefield
  2. Ellis
  3. Whisman

Here is a test of the type attribute in a <ul>:

  • Disc
  • Circle
  • Square

Here is a test of the type attribute in a <ol>:

  1. Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3...)
  2. another
  3. another
  4. another
  5. another
  1. Lower alpha (a, b, c...)
  2. another
  3. another
  4. another
  5. another
  1. Upper alpha (A, B, C...)
  2. another
  3. another
  4. another
  5. another
  1. Lower roman (i, ii, iii...)
  2. another
  3. another
  4. another
  5. another
  1. Upper roman (I, II, III...)
  2. another
  3. another
  4. another
  5. another

The following example shows mixed list types:

The following example uses CSS to define the list-style-image property on the list items. Instead of a disc, an image should be displayed to the left of the text "List item." The image looks like the character "x."

In this example, the same style is applied to the parent <ul> element, where it should be inherited by the list items.