Buffy/Mozilla: Mail

UI Specification

Junk Mail Controls

Last Modification: 03/04/2025 01:07:12

Author: Jennifer Glick 
Creation Date: 20 February 2003

Status: In Progress


     First Usage - JMCs Dialog with Descriptive Text
     Toolbar and Thread Pane
     JMCs Dialog with Features
     JM Log
     Context Menu

Feature Team


 Scott Putterman, Dan Mosedale, Seth Spitzer, Samir Gehani


 Rafael Ebron


 Laurel Carlson, Esther Goes


 Robin Foster Clark


 Jennifer Glick


Related Bugs

  1. 169638 - [meta] finish junk mail feature
  2. 179162 - better UI for marking junk mail & running junk mail controls
  3. 179568 - If message is determined to be Junk, show simple html or plain text - don't load remote images
  4. 180029 - running junk mail controls manually should respect preferences
  5. 188934 - Junk Mail Controls: J key for "toggle junk status"
  6. 191504 - potential UE issues with the classic toolbar icon for "junk"
  7. 191933 - Tools->Mark Selected Messages as Junk/Not Junk missing underlined accesskeys
  8. 193474 - Should automatically select message as junk if put in junk folder
  9. 194273 - move to junk folder (or delete) when the user manually marks as junk
  10. 194762 -per spec change menu option for running junk mail controls from selected msgs to folder
  11. 194918 - Junk Mail: Menu item to empty folder of msgs marked as Junk
  12. 195238 - Junk toolbar button text should say "Not Junk" if junk messages are selected
  13. 195244 - Make junk and filter log viewers appear "disabled"





Design Details

A. Menu Access

1. Main Mail Window - Tools Menu

Search Messages
Search Addresses
Message Filters
Run Filter on Folder ---> (Flyout List of Avail Filters)
unk Mail Controls 

Run Junk Mail Controls on
Delete Mail Marked as Junk from Folder 
Switch Profile
assword Manager -->
Download Manager -->
Web Development --> 


2. Main Mail Window - Message Menu: Mark

As Read
Thread as Read 
All Read
As Junk
As Not Junk


B. About Junk Mail - First Usage

  1. Junk Mail Controls are ON by default for all accounts. 
  2. Junk Mail Column ON by default.
  3. "Junk" toolbar button is visible by default.
  4. The first time the user does any of the actions listed below, the About Junk Mail dialog opens.
    • Selects any of the JMC related menu items (see section A)
    • Clicks the "Junk" toolbar button
    • Turns on the Junk Mail Status column
  5. Clicking the "?" in the Junk Mail header in a message also opens the About Junk Mail dialog.


C. Toolbar and Thread Pane


1. Toolbar

  1. "Junk" toolbar button is visible by default.
  2. On first usage, clicking on the Junk toolbar button (or any JM menu item, or turning on the JM column) opens the About Junk Mail dialog (see section B).
  3. The toolbar button toggles as appropriate, "Junk/Not Junk".
  4. When one or more messages not currently marked as junk are selected, the toolbar button label is "Junk". Clicking button marks selected message(s) as Junk.
  5. When one or more messages not currently marked as junk are selected, the toolbar button label is "Not Junk". Clicking the button marks selected message(s) as Not Junk.
  6. If more than on message is selected and some are currently marked as junk and some are not marked as junk, the toolbar button label is "Junk". Clicking button marks selected message(s) as Junk.
  7. Toolbar button Tooltip - when it's labeled "Junk": "Mark the selected messages as not junk". When it's labeled "Not Junk": "Mark the selected messages as junk".


2. Thread Pane

  1. Junk column is on by default. User can choose to hide column.
  2. Possible states: "Is Junk", "Is Not Junk".
  3. Icons for "Is Junk". No icon for "Is Not Junk".
  4. User can change state of a message from "Is Junk" to "Is Not Junk" or vice versa, by clicking the thread pane icon or clicking the Junk toolbar button.
  5. Clicking the column toggles between "Is Junk" and "Is Not Junk"
  6. Tooltip for Thread Pane Icon: "Click to sort by junk mail status".
  7. Default location of column: To the right of the Subject column. 


D. Junk Mail Controls Dialog

Dialog needs to be changed to tabbed version. Some features exist already and only need wording changes. Some features planned/discussed but not yet implemented. 

After first usage (when user will get the About Junk Mail dialog), selecting "Junk Mail Controls" from the Tools menu opens the Junk Mail Controls Dialog.

1. Options - Version 1 (*)

  1. Once a user enables JMCs, the default enabled settings include:
    • "Enable junk mail controls for this account"
    • "When I manually mark messages as junk: Move them to the Junk Folder on <current account>"
    • AB white list (see "Senders" section below)
  2. All settings are disabled when ""Enable junk mail controls for this account"" is not checked.
  3. JM Log is per account.
  4. When I manually mark messages as junk: Move them to the Junk folder on <current account> - after X seconds, message is moved (in case user marked it in error). Only applies to manually marked msgs.
  5. When I manually mark messages as junk: Delete them - after X seconds , message is deleted or moved to Trash (as per user's Trash model). Only applies to manually marked msgs.
  6. When Mail automatically marks messages as junk: Move them to the Junk folder on <current account>  - only applies to msgs that the JMCs have identified, not user marked msgs.
  7. When Mail automatically marks messages as junk: Delete them - only applies to msgs that the JMCs have identified, not user marked msgs. Delete or move to Trash as appropriate. 
  8. Automatically delete messages in the Junk folder older than X days -  delete or move to Trash as appropriate.
  9. The Junk folder is flagged as a special folder and appears grouped near to top of the folder hierarchy with the other special folders. 


Options - Version 2  (*)

Similar to Version 1 except auto identified messages can only be moved to Junk folder.


Options - Version 3

Similar to Version 2, but user can pick any folder to be the Junk folder. Do we want users to be able to pick any folder for this? Is is safer to limit them to an Account specific or Local Junk folder only?


Special Accounts


2. Senders - Version 1 (Preferred)

Note: there mostly likely won't be enough time to implement this. If necessary, we'll go with the current UI of one AB (option 2 below) and expand as resources permit.


Senders - Option 2

What we currently have but not on its own tab.

  1. PAB as white list is enabled by default for all accounts.


E. Junk Mail Log

Background of log is currently white and looks like text of log is editable. Log text should not look editable.

  1. Log is Off by default.
  2. Clear Log - clears any existing text in the log.
  3. Text of log is not editable. 


F. Message Envelope

  1. The Junk status bar appears in the message envelope for a message if the JMCs think the message is junk.
  2. Color = #C7BC8f.
  3. Images and/or multimedia are not displayed in the message body of potential junk mail unless the user marks the message "This is Not Junk".
  4. Once user clicks "This is Not Junk" or "Not Junk" toolbar button, Junk status bar is removed from the message envelope and the full message is displayed.
  5. ? - Opens the About Junk Mail dialog. See Section B.


G. Junk Mail Behaviors

  1. To ensure proper training: All incoming messages are marked as junk until the user marks at least One message as not junk. Then, all incoming messages are marked as not junk until the user marks at least One message as junk. Then, messages are marked as junk/not junk as appropriate. 
  2. If user DnDs a message To the Junk folder, we should automatically mark the message as Junk.
  3. If user DnDs a message Out of the Junk folder, we should automatically mark the message as Not Junk.
  4. If user is in Junk folder and marks a message as Not Junk, should we move message back to Inbox?
  5. Junk Mail controls are enabled. User has junk mail set to be moved to Junk folder. Only messages that Mail automatically identifies as Junk gets moved. If the user manually changes a message to Junk, the message is not automatically moved (Note: there is a pref to Delete or Move manually marked msgs). 


H. Context Menu


I. Advanced - Potential Future Feature - Not Yet Implemented

Advanced opens the Filter Rules dialog, with Message Filters dialog opened below it. As much info as possible is already configured.

  1. User can customize criteria and actions for junk messages.


J. Newsgroups

Newsgroup junk messages can't be moved to another folder, but we can identify them and users can use Views to hide them if desired. 

K. Search and Filter criteria

[Junk Mail Status]  [is/isn't]  [Is Junk/Isn't Junk/Unknown]
