Mozilla: Mail

Screen Shots

Secure Messages

Last Modification: 03/04/2025 01:07:27



Author: Jennifer Glick 
Creation Date:  


Note: All icons used here are placeholders only and will be re-done by a graphics person.

Option 1


Pros: Clean design. Only users interested in security who turn on signing or encryption see the icons.

Cons: Is it discoverable enough? Conflicts with SSL in status bar?


Option 2

Pros: More discoverable. Other options such as Priority can use this area as well. Only users interested in security who turn on signing or encryption see the icons.

Cons: Is there enough space below the attachment area?


Option 3


Pros: More discoverable.

Cons: Adds another button to toolbar that users who are not interested in security many never use.  Conflicts with SSL in status bar? What about other options like "Priority", should they get their own button in the toolbar as well?