MachV/Mozilla: Mail: Folders

UI Specification


Last Modification: 03/04/2025 01:07:13

Author: Jennifer Glick
Creation Date: 06 November 2001

Status: Draft 


         Character Coding


Feature Team:


 Scott Putterman

Product Marketing: 

 Kevin Murray


 Esther Goes


 Robin Foster Clark 


 Jennifer Glick

Please post all comments and suggestions regarding this spec to the newsgroup, netscape.public.mozilla.mail-news.



  1. 10877 - UI: Folder property dialogs.
  2. 44104 - Creating a new folder with a duplicate name behavior 
  3. 45041 - clean up text of alert dialog when user does "New Folder" with duplicate name.
  4. 67606 - Folder properties dialog should allow renaming.
  5. 83316 - finish string changes for "folder properties" dialog.



Design Details

1. Folder Properties

a. General



b. Offline


c. Character Coding


d. Sharing - IMAP

The shared tab describes the current state of sharing for the folder and provides access to setting up shared folders and privileges.

There are three different kinds of folders: Personal folders, Shared folders and Public folders. (this true?)

The "Set Privileges" button is used to enable sharing and setup access permissions for the folder and for other users of this folder. This causes the browser to load the Server based ACL UI. This button is only available when the server the user is connected to supports ACL management. 

If the server does not support ACL's at all, then the following text is displayed: "This server does not support shared folders." The Set Privileges button, as well as the Folder type, Shared and Permissions text are not displayed.

To add messages to a personal shared folder or to a folder that a user has write permission to, messages should be dragged from the thread pane to the desired folder.

Setting Folder Permissions (ACL) - Folder permissions are administered completely from the server UI. 


Folder Icons

When a folder has been set to be shared, its icon should appear differently in the Mail folder pane. (See Marlon Bishop to obtain the files. Work should already be completed.)


2. New Folder Dialog

Folder creation and naming is done using the "New Folder" dialog. Within Mail, using the drop down menu, "File", "New", "Folder". Within the Folder Pane, using the context menu, "New Folder...". Folders cannot be created at the top level of the mail panel (account level).

The "New Folder" dialog lets the user choose the parent of the new folder. The default parent is either the current folder selection in the Mail Folder Panel (if applicable) or the default account.


Folder Already Exists

If the user attempts to create a folder with a name which already exists in the current location, the following dialog is displayed. When the user OK's the dialog, the New Folder dialog reopens with the the duplicate folder name highlighted.


3. Rename Folder

Folders can be renamed directly inline (not implemented) in the Folder Pane or in the Folder Properties dialog.

Special folders and default Local Folders can not be renamed. These include: Special Folders (Inbox, Sent, Trash, Drafts) and default Local Folders (Unsent Messages, Templates, Trash).

Folders are renamed using the Folder Properties Dialog. This dialog is opened by either selecting "Properties" in the Folder Pane context menu, or by selecting "Folder Properties" from the "Edit" drop down menu.

To rename a folder inline within the Folder Pane, the user selects the desired folder and uses the context menu to select "Rename". The folder name should now appear with a box around it and the folder name highlighted. The user can now type the name of the new folder. Clicking outside the folder boxed area cancels the action. Once the user has renamed the folder, he/she must click outside the folder boxed area for the new name to take effect. When the user clicks outside the folder boxed area the renamed folder is correctly placed in its new alphabetical location in the folder hierarchy and focus remains on the folder.


Folder Already Exists

If the user attempts to rename a folder with a name which already exists in the current location, the following dialog is displayed. 

When the user OK's the dialog, the Rename Folder dialog reopens with the the duplicate folder name highlighted.

