MachV/Mozilla: Mail

UI Specification

Filters Prefill & Block Address

Last Modification: 03/04/2025 01:07:37

Author: Jennifer Glick 
Creation Date: 27 March  2001

Status: Mostly Complete


Create a Filter
Block Address
Three Pane Mail Thread Pane
News, AOL and WebMail Accounts

Feature Team


 Scott Putterman, Gayatri Bhimaraju


 Kevin Murray


 Laurel Carlson


 Robin Foster Clark


 Jennifer Glick


Note: Block Address feature is no longer planned.




  1. Is there a limit to the Blocked Email Addresses list?
  2. Robin to provide email message for Junk Mail folder.
  3. Aging of messages might not yet be available,  hence the  "Delete messages older that X days from the Junk Mail folder" setting might not be available.
  4. Prefill Filter - Once the user has finished creating the filter, should we ask them if they want to run the filter they just created now (on existing Inbox messages)? To avoid adding another dialog box, why not put a checkbox in the filter creation to "Apply filter to existing messages"? Block Address- Same idea here ... Andrew Perry



Prefill Filter: Provide an easy method for users to create a simple filter by prefilling a filter rule based on a user selected message. Geared toward Advanced Beginners and Intermediate users. A nice way of introducing the filter feature to users.

Block Address: Provide a way for users to filter messages from particular addresses automatically.  Users don't have to setup their own filters or even see or verify any of the filter dialogs. Gear toward Beginning and Intermediate users. Although not the most effective way of blocking mail from spammers, this feature gives users a sense of control.

Design Details

A. Prefill Filter

1. Envelope Area

Clicking on a From, To or Cc name in the mail envelope area opens a menu which allows users to "Create Filter" based on the current message. (Note: the context menu is the same.)  


2. Message Filters and Filter Rules

Once the user selects the "Create Filter",  item from the open message header, the Message Filters and Filter Rules dialogs open.  The Filter Rules dialog has focus. The window is prefilled with information from the message.

Filter Name: The filter name field is prefilled with the email address that was clicked on in the mail message envelope. 

If a filter with that name already exists, the email address is appended with a number to make it unique. For example, "" when "" is already being used as the name of a filter.  This check will occur when the user selects "Create Filter" so that the Filter Rules dialog opens with a valid filter name prefilled. 

Conditions:  The first conditions line is prefilled with: "the 'Sender' 'Is' <email_address>".  Regardless of whether the user clicked on a "From", "To", or "Cc", the filter is created using "the ' Sender' ' Is' <email_address>".

Users can add or change conditions as desired. 

The then user selects an Action to be associated with this filter.

The user clicks OK on the Filter Rules dialog and it closes.  The Message Filters dialog now has focus and the newly created filter is displayed and selected in the list box. This will show users their filter was successfully created and is enabled.  It will also hopefully educate users about what dialog they can return to if they want to change the filter, and what dialog to use to create a new filter by themselves.  

If the user clicks on "OK" on the Filter Rules dialog without defining an Action, an alert dialog is opened.  For example, the default Action is "Move to Folder".  If the user does not select a destination folder and clicks the "OK" button, an alert opens, "Please select a destination folder".


B. Block Address

1. Envelope Area

Clicking on a From, To or Cc name in the mail envelope area opens a menu which enables users to Block messages from a particular address.  (Note: the context menu is the same.)  


When the user selects "Block Email Address", from the menu above, a confirmation dialog opens.

If the user clicks "OK", the dialog closes, the address is added to the Blocked Email Addresses list and the user is returned to the mail message.  If the user clicks "Cancel", the dialog closes and the user is returned to the mail message.


2. Junk Mail Folder

When new message is received in the Inbox from an address on the Blocked Email Addresses list, it is automatically moved into the "Junk Mail" folder. The Junk Mail folder is a Local Folder and shared across all accounts. It is created by default for new users.  It can not be deleted and it can not be renamed.

An email message, explaining the Block Sender feature and the purpose of the Junk Mail, will be included in the Junk Mail folder.  Robin to provide.


3. Blocked Addresses List

From a menu in the Three Pane Mail window (tbd, see section below), users can open the "Blocked Email Addresses" dialog to add or remove addresses from it.

Using the "Delete messages older that X days from the Junk Mail folder" setting, users can have their Junk Mail folder emptied automatically.  The default is checked.  Emails are removed as necessary on exit.

The "Confirm when blocking email addresses" setting will display the Block Email Address dialog when the block sender action is requested. The default is checked.

When the user attempts to add a new email address to the blocked list using this dialog, we should check to make sure the email address is a valid format, for example <>, and avoid duplicate email addresses.  An error dialog should open as appropriate: "Please enter a valid email address".  "An entry with that email address already exists".

Addresses should be listed in alphabetical order.


C. Three Pane Mail Thread Pane and Menus

1. Creating a Filter and Blocking a Sender from the Thread Pane

If a message is selected in the thread pane, but the message pane is closed users can access the Create Filter and Block Address features from the "Message" menu.



2. Menus

Users need to be able to access the "Blocked Email Addresses" list window so that they can view, add or delete addresses. The menu item "Blocked Email Addresses" is grouped with the "Message Filters" menu item.  This is currently in the "Edit" menu but the plan is to hopefully move these items into a "Tools" (tbd) type of menu.


D. News, WebMail and AOL Accounts

News. Neither of these features, Prefill Filter or Block Sender, are currently available for News accounts. These items should not appear in the menus when a News account has focus. Prefill Filter - technically a filter based on a sender of a newsgroup posting could be created, but the filter would only be effective for filtering Mail messages, not news postings. Blocking a Sender for a News Account is really a Kill File feature.

AOL (Netscape only). Neither of these features are currently available for AOL accounts. These items should not appear in the menus when an AOL account has focus. WebMail (Netscape only). Prefill Filter and Block Address features should be available for WebMail. 



  1. Would this be unavailable from selected messages in an account type which is not filterable? For instance, Local Folders or News. Yes, this feature should be disabled for Local and News accounts/messages.
  2. Would the feature assume the filter to be placed in the selected account or would it pause at the main filters dialog to allow user to select the account first? Assumes the filter is associated with the selected account. 
  3. WebMail (Netscape only).  Both Prefill Filter and Block Address features should be available for WebMail. mscott, 8/6/01.
  4. Block Sender - Once the user has blocked a sender, should we ask them if they want to check their Inbox for any messages from this sender?  No, too many dialogs. 8/6/01.
  5. Prefill Filter - Once the user has finished creating the filter, should we ask them if they want to run the filter they just created now (on existing Inbox messages)? No.  We will run the filter on the current message (message from which the user based the new filter on) and all future messages. 8/6/01.