Mojo/Mozilla: Mail: LDAP

UI Spec

Global Address Book/Account Specific LDAP - Version 2

Last Modification: 03/04/2025 01:07:29

Author: Jennifer Glick 
Creation Date: 20 March 2001

Status: Mostly Complete



Feature Team


Scott Putterman, Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Dan Mosedale, Srilatha Moturi, Leif Hedstrom 


Kevin Murray, Mitch Green




Robin Foster Clark


Jennifer Glick



Please post all comments and suggestions regarding this spec to the newsgroup, netscape.public.mozilla.mail-news.



This spec outlines a proposal in which Address Book settings and LDAP directory server settings are Global.  Users are able to override the global LDAP directory server on a per account basis.


Design Details

A. Global Address Book and LDAP Preferences

Preferences associated with the Address Book and LDAP directories are global for all accounts and are located in the Preferences: Mail and Newsgroups: Address Books panel.  This includes Email Address Collection and Address Autocompletion settings.

Users can configure address autocompletion to search their "Local Address Books" and/or an "LDAP Directory Server".  From this dialog, users can also specify which LDAP directory server will be used globally.  

Note: Do we need: "When multiple addresses are found: (radiobutton) Show me a list of choices, (radiobutton) Accept what I have typed."?  


1. LDAP Directory Servers

Clicking the "Edit Directories..." button opens the "LDAP Directory Servers" dialog. This dialog is used to select an LDAP directory server or edit or delete an existing server, or add a new server. 


2. Directory Server Properties

Clicking "Add" or "Edit" from the LDAP Directory Servers dialog opens the "Directory Server Properties" dialog. 

The "Find..."  button retrieves Search Root information from the server and opens a dialog of available suffixes.



Advanced - used to configure more detailed LDAP directory settings.


B. Account Specific LDAP Directory Servers

On a per account basis, users can also override the Global LDAP settings and specify a different LDAP directory for different accounts.  Each account can be associated with a different LDAP directory server. In the future, each account can be associated with multiple LDAP directory servers.


Each IMAP and POP (NNTP?) server panel will have an "LDAP Directory Server" group box. 

Note: The LDAP Directory Server menu should have a "None" option so that users can choose to not have an LDAP server associated with a particular account.



Note:  Looks like it might not fit on the POP dialog.


From the account level, users can also Add/Edit/Delete LDAP directory servers by selecting the "Edit Directories..." button.


Requirements from Srilatha Moturi

Typedown pane -Edit->mail/news->Account Settings. One pane per account.

  1. Per-account typedown pane: exactly like Pinpoint Addressing "box" of 4.x preferences Addressing pane 
  2. Plus one more item: "Don't complete against more than ___ results" 
  3. Move "Enable address autocomplete" from Address Books preference to per-account typedown
    pane (similar to Address Auto completion box in the screen shots). One modification from screen shots is that, we should be able to select more than one server. (this will be implemented in the future). 

Directory Servers Dialog - Same as the screen shot. 

Directory Servers properties dialog: 

  1.  Directory Name 
  2. Hostname (LDAP Server)
  3. BaseDN (Search Root) 
  4. Advanced Options Button
  5. OK and Cancel Buttons

No offline tab for this release. 

Advanced Options Dialog: 

  1. Port number 
  2. Login with username and password 
  3. Save Password (disabled at this point) 
  4. Search filter (applis to entries within the specified scope of the search)
  5. Scope (scope of the search. If no scope is specified, the server performs a base search. )
    • Base (radio button, retrieves information only about the distinguished name (<base_dn>) specified in theURL) 
    • One (radio button, one retrieves information about entries one level below the distinguished name (<base_dn>) specified in the URL) 
    • Sub (radio button.  retrieves information about entries at all levels below the distinguished name (<base_dn>) specified in the URL. The base entry is included in this scope. ) 
  6. Don't return more than X results

The "Do not display more than X results" in "Address Autocompletion" box is the preference for autocompletion where we will not show more than X results in the mail compose window. 

The "Do not return more than X results" is the preference we set to tell the server to return only X