smoke testing news

test #1
run a news://host/message-id url from the brower
	don't have messenger up and running
	don't have "host" be a host you are subscribed to
	don't have any news accounts set up
	use a bogus url

make sure it doesn't add "message-id" to the folder pane or the newsrc file

test #2
print a news message
	print multiple messages from the thread pane
	print from the stand alone message window
	print from the browser, after running a news://host/message-id url
	print the special html you see when you view a cancelled message

test #3
save a news message
	save from the 3 pane
	save from the stand alone message window
	save from the browser, after running a news://host/message-id url
	save the special html you see when you view a cancelled message

test #4
view message source
	view source from the 3 pane
	view source from from the stand alone message window
	view source from the browser, after running a news://host/message-id url
	view source on the special html you see when you view a cancelled message

test #5
	reply from the 3 pane
	reply from the stand alone 
	Reply / Reply All / Reply Sender
	context menu replies

test #6
	try a message from your news identity
	try a message from another of your identities
	try a message not from you
	cancel your cancel
   	multiple messages

test #7
	auth for news://host/message-id url
	auth for XOVER
	auth for subscribe
	auth for posting

test #8
	cross posting
	posting without a subject
	posting with a long line
    	test posting with an attachment
	posting before you set up a news host
	posting to news://host/group
	posting to a non-existing group

test #9
	try a bogus group, or a bogus server

test #10
mark button
	does it only show up for news
	does it work to click on it
	do all the sub choices work

test #11
	unread and total only show up in threaded mode
	threaded mode by default for news

test #12
Message | Kill Thread 
	only shows up when reading news

test #13
Message | Watch Thread
	only shows up when reading news

test #14
stop button
	during XOVER 
	when down loading big articles

test #15
	searching news servers
	searching news groups

test #16

test #17
mark all read

test #18
message marked as read as I read it
test #19
getting new messages
	getting more than the max (getting the download dialog)

test #20
getting next 100 message

test #21
subscribe dialog

test #22
display canceled messages

test #23
list-id urls

test #24
    message display
    posting when offline

test #25
	secure / non-secure

test #25
news account creation
	cancelling out of it