From: David McCusker <> Subject: [MORK] version 1.1 grammar 18Dec98 Date: 1998/12/18 Message-ID: <>#1/1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Organization: Netscape Mime-Version: 1.0 Reply-To: Newsgroups: netscape.public.mozilla.mail-news /* see separate post for summary of 1.0 -> 1.1 syntax changes for */ /* mdb="abstract mail/news db interfaces, also known by nsIMsgDb" */ /* mork="summary file format defining mdb reference implementation" */ /* z="zany mongrel Mork terse syntax roughly inspired by Lisp" */ /* x="XML style Mork verbose syntax embeddable in XML documents" */ /* l="Lisp style Mork paren syntax for hypothetical comparisons" */ /* Start="starting production for a Mork document" */ /* <production-suffixes XmlMork="xm" LispMork="lm" ZanyMork="zm"/> */ zm:Start ::= zm:Magic zm:LineEnd zm:Header (zm:Content | zm:Group)* zm:Magic ::= '// <!-- <mdb:mork:z v="1.1"/> -->' zm:Header ::= '@[' zm:S? zm:Id zm:RowItem* zm:S? ']@' /* file row */ zm:Content ::= (zm:Dict | zm:Table | zm:Update)* zm:S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xA | #xD | zm:Continue | zm:Comment)+ /* space */ zm:LineEnd ::= #xA #xD | #xD #xA | #xA | #xD /* 1 each if possible */ zm:NonCRLF ::= [#x0 - #xFF] - (#xD | #xA) zm:Comment ::= '//' zm:NonCRLF* zm:LineEnd /* C++ style comment */ zm:Continue ::= '\' zm:LineEnd zm:Hex ::= [0-9a-fA-F] /* a single hex digit */ zm:Id ::= zm:Hex+ /* a row, table, or value id is naked hex */ zm:AnyRef ::= zm:TableRef | zm:RowRef | zm:ValueRef zm:TableRef ::= zm:S? 't' zm:Id zm:RowRef ::= zm:S? 'r' zm:Id zm:ValueRef ::= zm:S? '^' zm:Id /* use '^' to avoid zm:Name ambiguity */ zm:MoreName ::= [a-zA-Z:_+-?!] zm:Name ::= [a-zA-Z:_] zm:MoreName* /* names only need to avoid space and '^', so this is more limiting */ zm:Update ::= zm:S? [!+-] (zm:Row | zm:Table) /* +="<mdb:add/>" (insert) -="<mdb:cut/>" (remove) !="<mdb:put/>" (set) */ /* groups must be ignored until properly terminated */ zm:Group ::= zm:GroupStart zm:Content zm:GroupEnd /* transaction */ zm:GroupStart ::= zm:S? '@$${' zm:Id '{@' /* transaction id has own space */ zm:GroupEnd ::= zm:GroupCommit | zm:GroupAbort zm:GroupCommit ::= zm:S? '@$$}' zm:Id '}@' /* id matches start id */ zm:GroupAbort ::= zm:S? '@$$}~abort~' zm:Id '}@' /* id matches start id */ /* We must allow started transactions to be aborted in summary files. */ /* Note '$$' will never occur unescaped in values we will see in Mork. */ zm:Dict ::= zm:S? '<' zm:DictItem* zm:S? '>' zm:DictItem ::= zm:MetaDict | zm:Alias zm:MetaDict ::= zm:S? '<' zm:S? zm:Cell* zm:S? '>' /* meta attributes */ zm:Alias ::= zm:S? '(' zm:Id zm:S? zm:Value ')' zm:Table ::= zm:S? '{' zm:S? zm:Id zm:TableItem* zm:S? '}' zm:TableItem ::= zm:MetaTable | zm:RowRef | zm:Row zm:MetaTable ::= zm:S? '{' zm:S? zm:Cell* zm:S? '}' /* meta attributes */ zm:Row ::= zm:S? '[' zm:S? zm:Id zm:RowItem* zm:S? ']' zm:RowItem ::= zm:MetaRow | zm:Cell zm:MetaRow ::= zm:S? '[' zm:S? zm:Cell* zm:S? ']' /* meta attributes */ zm:Cell ::= zm:S? '(' zm:Column zm:S? zm:Slot? ')' zm:Column ::= zm:S? (zm:Name | zm:ValueRef) zm:Slot ::= zm:Value | zm:AnyRef zm:S? zm:Value ::= '=' ([^)] | '\' zm:NonCRLF | zm:Continue | zm:Dollar)* /* content ')', '\', and '$' must be quoted with '\' inside zm:Value */ zm:Dollar ::= '$' zm:Hex zm:Hex /* hex encoding of one byte */ /* using '$' instead of '%' helps avoid the need to quote URL markup */