by Richard H. Pizzarro <>
- Overview
- Sending Messages
- Sending Listener Interfaces
- Copy Operations
- Sending Unsent Messages
- Sending Unsent Messages Listener
- Quoting
- Sample Programs
Overview |
I've done considerable work in the past few weeks
reorganizing the Mail Composition back end, so I thought it would be helpful
to put together a small doc on the new interfaces and how one can use them.
The Mail Composition back end is responsible for the assembly and creation
of RFC822 messages to be delivered either via SMTP or NNTP services. You
also have the ability to save RFC822 files to disk, should you need this
data for some reason. Included in this functionality is the code to copy
the messages to the appropriate locations after delivery (i.e. a "Sent"
folder) as well as the ability to store messages for features like "Drafts"
and "Templates". Several (but not all) of these interfaces are specified
in IDL. This will change in the coming weeks and allow for developers to
write JavaScript to take advantage of the back end services. Also, I will
talk about some features though they may not be complete as of yet. I will
try to make comments for these exceptions.
Sending Messages |
nsIMsgSend |
CreateAndSendMessage |
The CreateAndSendMessage method will create an RFC822 message and send it all in one operation as well as providing the ability to save disk files for later use. The mode of delivery can also be specified for the "Send Later", "Drafts" and "Templates" operations. (NOTE: This method could easily be broken in to a few different calls. Currently, this method does several functions depending on the arguments passed in, but this could easily lead to confusion. This is something that very well may change as time allows).
- the editor object for the mail compose operation.
If this is not null, the body will be extracted from this object and any
embedded objects or links will be sent as part of the message in MHTML
- the user identity for the person doing the
send operation. This will be needed to determine the appropriate folder
for copy operations.
- the message composition fields. This will contain
all of the relevant header information for message creation
- this is a flag that says that most of the documents
we are attaching are themselves messages, and so we should generate a multipart/digest
container instead of multipart/mixed. (It's a minor difference.)
- If "dont_deliver_p" is false, then we actually
deliver the message to the SMTP and/or NNTP server
- mode is the delivery mode. This can be set
for the various modes of delivery. These can include nsMsgDeliverNow, nsMsgQueueForLater,
nsMsgSave, nsMsgSaveAs, nsMsgSaveAsDraft, nsMsgSaveAsTemplate.
- if the delivery mode is set to nsMsgSaveAsDraft,
this is a pointer to the the nsIMessage object for the message that needs
to be replaced
const char
const char
- the full text of the first attachment is provided
via `attachment1_type' `attachment1_body' and `attachment1_body_length'.
These may all be 0 if all attachments are provided externally.
const struct nsMsgAttachmentData *attachments,
- Subsequent attachments are provided as URLs
to load, described in the nsMsgAttachmentData structures.
const struct nsMsgAttachedFile *preloaded_attachments,
- attachments that are already locally stored
on disk (note: both attachments and preloaded_attachments cannot be specified
on a single call
*relatedPart /* nsMsgSendPart */,
- a related part for multipart related operations
**aListenerArray) = 0;
- an array of listeners for the send operation.
this can be nsnull if you want to do the delivery operation "blind"
SendMessageFile |
NS_IMETHOD SendMessageFile(
- the user identity for the person doing the
send operation. This will be needed to determine the appropriate folder
for copy operations.
- the message composition fields. This will contain
all of the relevant header information for message delivery
- the file spec for the message being sent
- tell the back end if it should delete the file
upon successful completion
- this is a flag that says that most of the documents
we are attaching are themselves messages, and so we should generate a multipart/digest
container instead of multipart/mixed. (It's a minor difference.)
- mode is the delivery mode. This can be set
for the various modes of delivery. These can include nsMsgDeliverNow, nsMsgQueueForLater,
nsMsgSave, nsMsgSaveAs, nsMsgSaveAsDraft, nsMsgSaveAsTemplate.
- if the delivery mode is set to nsMsgSaveAsDraft,
this is a pointer to the the nsIMessage object for the message that needs
to be replaced
**aListenerArray) = 0;
- an array of listeners for the send operation.
this can be nsnull if you want to do the delivery operation "blind"
SendWebPage |
- the user identity for the person doing the
send operation. This will be needed to determine the appropriate folder
for copy operations.
- the message composition fields. This will contain
all of the relevant header information for message delivery
- the URI of the message composition fields.
This will contain all of the relevant header information for message delivery
- mode is the delivery mode. This can be set
for the various modes of delivery (i.e. send later, drafts, templates or
send the message now)
**aListenerArray) = 0;
- an array of listeners for the send operation.
this can be nsnull if you want to do the delivery operation "blind"
The AddListener/RemoveListener methods let the caller add and remove listeners to the sending interface.
NS_IMETHOD AddListener(nsIMsgSendListener
*aListener) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD RemoveListener(nsIMsgSendListener
*aListener) = 0;
Sending Listener Interfaces |
nsIMsgSendListener |
OnStartSending |
NS_IMETHOD OnStartSending(const
char *aMsgID,
- the message ID for the message being sent
PRUint32 aMsgSize) = 0;
- the total message size for the message being
OnProgress |
NS_IMETHOD OnProgress(const char
- the message ID for the message being sent
PRUint32 aProgress,
- the progress so far
PRUint32 aProgressMax) = 0;
- the maximum progress (aProgress should be used
as a numerator and aProgressMax as a denominator for a message sent percentage)
OnStatus |
NS_IMETHOD OnStatus(const char
- the message ID for the message being sent
const PRUnichar *aMsg) = 0;
- a message concerning the status of the send
OnStopSending |
NS_IMETHOD OnStopSending(const
char *aMsgID,
- the message ID for the message being sent
nsresult aStatus,
- the resulting status for the send operation
const PRUnichar *aMsg,
- a message concerning the status of the send
nsIFileSpec *returnFileSpec) = 0;
- an nsIFileSpec which will specify the file
that was created (this is used if the dont_deliver_p
is set to PR_TRUE)
nsIMsgCopyServiceListener |
OnStartCopy |
nsISupports *listenerData) = 0;
- the nsISupports pointer passed in to the original
copy operation
OnProgress |
NS_IMETHOD OnProgress(
PRUint32 aProgress,
- the progress so far
PRUint32 aProgressMax) = 0;
- the maximum progress (aProgress should be used
as a numerator and aProgressMax as a denominator for a message sent percentage)
nsISupports *listenerData) = 0;
- the nsISupports pointer passed in to the original
copy operation
OnStopCopy |
nsresult aStatus,
- the resulting status for the send operation
nsISupports *listenerData) = 0;
- the nsISupports pointer passed in to the original
copy operation
Copy Operations |
Copy to Sent Folder |
Drafts |
Templates |
Send Later |
Sending Unsent Messages |
The following describes the methods of the nsIMsgSendLater interface. This method is performs the send operations asynchronously.
The SendUnsentMessages method will send all queued messages.
NS_IMETHOD SendUnsentMessages(nsIMsgIdentity
- the user identity for the person doing the
operation. This will be needed to determine the appropriate folder for
copy operations.
nsIMsgSendLaterListener **listenerArray) = 0;
- an array of listeners for the send operation.
this can be nsnull if you want to do the delivery operations "blind"
The AddListener & RemoveListener methods will add and remove listeners from the nsIMsgSendLater object.
NS_IMETHOD AddListener(nsIMsgSendLaterListener
*aListener) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD RemoveListener(nsIMsgSendLaterListener
*aListener) = 0;
Sending Unsent Messages Listener |
CreateAndSendMessage |
The OnStartSending interface is called when the send later operation has begun.
NS_IMETHOD OnStartSending(
PRUint32 aTotalMessageCount) = 0;
- the total messages to be sent
CreateAndSendMessage |
The OnProgress interface is called with progress notification of the send later operation.
NS_IMETHOD OnProgress(
PRUint32 aCurrentMessage,
- the current message being sent
PRUint32 aTotalMessage) = 0;
- the total messages to be sent
CreateAndSendMessage |
The OnStatus gives the listener status updates for the current operation.
const PRUnichar *aMsg) = 0;
- the progress so far
CreateAndSendMessage |
The OnStopSending interface is called when the send later operation has completed.
NS_IMETHOD OnStopSending(
nsresult aStatus,
- the resulting status for the send operation
const PRUnichar *aMsg,
- a status message
PRUint32 aTotalTried,
- the total messages that were attempted
PRUint32 aSuccessful) = 0;
- the number of successful messages
Quoting |
CreateAndSendMessage |
The QuoteMessage method is the primary interface for message quoting.
NS_IMETHOD QuoteMessage(
const PRUnichar *msgURI,
- the URI of the message to be quoted
nsIOutputStream *outStream) = 0;
- the consumer output stream for the quoted data
Sample Programs |
- compose - this program shows the use of the CreateAndSendMessage interface (CreateAndSendMessage)
- compose2 - this program shows the use of the CreateAndSendMessage interface (SendMessageFile)
- sendlater - this program shows the use of the nsIMsgSendLater interface
- sendpage - this program shows the use of the CreateAndSendMessage interface (SendWebPage)
Last modified: Wed Nov 1, 2000