the revised "mscott" approach to fixing mozilla bug #14925
feedback / comments to,,

the "mscott" approach (the pop part was a clever idea from mscott)
will allow the user to change the username / hostname and does not
require the user to restart the app.

here are the basics of the fix:

a)  extend nsIMsgIncomingServer to have two new attributes:  
    realHostName and realUsername.  like username and hostName,
    those attributes are reflected into prefs.

b)  the getters for those attributes will return the pref value 
    (ex:  mail.server.server1.realHostName).  if the pref is not
    set, it will call GetHostName().  the setter will only set the pref.

c)  fix the account manager UI (am-server.xul) to use .realHostName and 

d)  leave all the code alone, except for the places where we actually go 
    to send the username to the server, or open an connection.  
    in those places, switch to use .realUsername and .realHostName

e)  prevent the user from change an account to one that already exists

f)  close all open connections
    use nsIMsgIncomingServer's CloseCachedConnections()

g)  clear any stored passwords in wallet 
    use nsIMsgIncomingServer's forgetPassword()

h)  change pretty name of account

the pretty name shows up in the fcc pickers, the account manager tree
and the folder pane.

change pretty name of account in the way that all occurrences of old user
and/or server names are replaced by the new user/server names (entered by
the users).  For example, news account name "News on" will
become "News on" if the news server name is changed to
"". Similarly, imap account name "IMAP - qatest20@nsmail-2"
will become "IMAP - qatest33@nsmail-1" if the new user and server names are
"qatest33" and "nsmail-1" respectively. Account name such as "My work account"
will (most likely) stay the same because it does not contain any user and server
specific names. 

i)  if username or password are in memory anywhere (need to check, the might be in the incoming server implementations), we need to clear them out.

<wasn't necessary, according to cavin>

all internal uris (mailbox://username@hostname/Inbox) stay the same, 
including the folder and copies prefs and the filter targets.

all disk paths stay the same.  no files are copied or removed.  

for pop, we don't want to lose any of the existing folders or filters

for news, we don't want to lose the newsrc (and one day, the news filters)

we'll unsubscribe to all the existing groups and then subscribe 
back to them clean
up the article numbers in the newsrc file (this is because the old and new
servers may maintain different numbers for the same articles if both
servers handle the same groups). 

for imap, we don't want to lose the filters.


a) fix am-server.xul
   instead of server.username, put server.realUsername
   also remove the disabled="true" (search for 14295 in am-server.xul)
   once that is removed, you can use the UI to change the servername and hostname.

b) do an LXR search on "GetHostName()" and ".hostname" (to cover the javascript cases) and figure out what needs to be 
   left alone and what needs to be switched to GetRealHostName() and ".realHostName" (same with .username)

c) fix it so when .realUsername or .realHostName are changed, we update pretty name for the account.

d) cleanly close any open imap and nntp connections.  we don't keep pop connections open.

e) prevent the user from changing an account to one that already exists.

f) don't allow server name to be modified for AOL mail and Netscape Webmail accounts, and during offline.