ECMAScript 4 Netscape Proposal
Formal Description
Lexical Grammar
Monday, June 30, 2003
This LALR(1) grammar describes the lexical syntax of the ECMAScript 4 proposal. See also the description of the grammar notation.
This document is also available as a Word RTF file.
The lexer’s start symbols are:
NextInputElementnum if the
previous input element was a number;
NextInputElementre if the
previous input element was not a number and a /
should be interpreted as a regular expression; and
NextInputElementdiv if the
previous input element was not a number and a /
should be interpreted as a division or division-assignment
In addition to the above, the start symbol
StringNumericLiteral is used by the syntactic semantics for
string-to-number conversions and the start symbol
StringDecimalLiteral is used by the syntactic semantics for
implementing the parseFloat
| «VT»
| «FF»
| «SP»
| «u00A0»
| «u2001»
| «u2002»
| «u2003»
| «u2004»
| «u2005»
| «u2006»
| «u2007»
| «u2009»
| «u200A»
| «u200B»
Waldemar Horwat Last modified Monday, June 30, 2003 |