July 2000 Draft
JavaScript 2.0
Formal Description
Lexer Semantics
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Monday, December 6, 1999
The lexer semantics describe the actions the lexer takes in order to transform an input stream of Unicode characters into a stream of tokens. For convenience, the lexer grammar is repeated here. See also the description of the semantic notation.
This document is also available as a Word 98 rtf file.
The start symbols are:
if the previous token was a number;
if the previous token was not a number and a /
should be interpreted as a regular
expression; and
if the previous token was not a number and a /
should be interpreted as a division or
division-assignment operator.
type SemanticException = oneof {syntaxError}
| «VT»
| «FF»
| «SP»
| «u00A0»
| «u2001»
| «u2002»
| «u2003»
| «u2004»
| «u2005»
| «u2006»
| «u2007»
| «u2009»
| «u200A»
| «u200B»
action DecimalValue[ASCIIDigit] : Integer = digitValue(ASCIIDigit)
action Token[NextToken] : Token
Token[NextTokenre WhiteSpace Tokenre] = Token[Tokenre]
Token[NextTokendiv WhiteSpace Tokendiv] = Token[Tokendiv]
Token[NextTokenunit [lookahead{OrdinaryContinuingIdentifierCharacter, \
}] WhiteSpace Tokendiv]
= Token[Tokendiv]
Token[NextTokenunit [lookahead{_
}] IdentifierName] = string Name[IdentifierName]
Token[NextTokenunit _
IdentifierName] = string Name[IdentifierName]
type RegExp = tuple {reBody: String; reFlags: String}
type Quantity = tuple {amount: Double; unit: String}
type Token
= oneof {
identifier: String;
keyword: String;
punctuator: String;
number: Double;
string: String;
regularExpression: RegExp;
Token[Token LineBreaks] = lineBreak
Token[Token IdentifierOrReservedWord] = Token[IdentifierOrReservedWord]
Token[Token Punctuator] = punctuator Punctuator[Punctuator]
Token[Tokendiv DivisionPunctuator] = punctuator Punctuator[DivisionPunctuator]
Token[Token NumericLiteral] = number DoubleValue[NumericLiteral]
Token[Token StringLiteral] = string StringValue[StringLiteral]
Token[Tokenre RegExpLiteral] = regularExpression REValue[RegExpLiteral]
Token[Token EndOfInput] = end
action Name[IdentifierName] : String
Name[IdentifierName InitialIdentifierCharacter]
= [CharacterValue[InitialIdentifierCharacter]]
Name[IdentifierName IdentifierName1 ContinuingIdentifierCharacter]
= Name[IdentifierName1] [CharacterValue[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter]]
action ContainsEscapes[IdentifierName] : Boolean
ContainsEscapes[IdentifierName InitialIdentifierCharacter]
= ContainsEscapes[InitialIdentifierCharacter]
ContainsEscapes[IdentifierName IdentifierName1 ContinuingIdentifierCharacter]
= ContainsEscapes[IdentifierName1] or ContainsEscapes[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter]
action CharacterValue[InitialIdentifierCharacter] : Character
CharacterValue[InitialIdentifierCharacter OrdinaryInitialIdentifierCharacter]
= OrdinaryInitialIdentifierCharacter
CharacterValue[InitialIdentifierCharacter \
= if isOrdinaryInitialIdentifierCharacter(CharacterValue[HexEscape])
then CharacterValue[HexEscape]
else throw syntaxError
action ContainsEscapes[InitialIdentifierCharacter] : Boolean
ContainsEscapes[InitialIdentifierCharacter OrdinaryInitialIdentifierCharacter] = false
ContainsEscapes[InitialIdentifierCharacter \
HexEscape] = true
action CharacterValue[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter] : Character
CharacterValue[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter OrdinaryContinuingIdentifierCharacter]
= OrdinaryContinuingIdentifierCharacter
CharacterValue[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter \
= if isOrdinaryContinuingIdentifierCharacter(CharacterValue[HexEscape])
then CharacterValue[HexEscape]
else throw syntaxError
action ContainsEscapes[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter] : Boolean
ContainsEscapes[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter OrdinaryContinuingIdentifierCharacter]
= false
ContainsEscapes[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter \
HexEscape] = true
reservedWords : String[]
= [“abstract
nonReservedWords : String[]
= [“box
keywords : String[] = reservedWords nonReservedWords
member(id: String, list: String[]) : Boolean
= if |list| = 0
then false
else if id = list[0]
then true
else member(id, list[1 ...])
action Token[IdentifierOrReservedWord] : Token
Token[IdentifierOrReservedWord IdentifierName]
= let id: String = Name[IdentifierName]
in if member(id, keywords) and not ContainsEscapes[IdentifierName]
then keyword id
else identifier id
action Punctuator[Punctuator] : String
Punctuator[Punctuator !
] = “!
Punctuator[Punctuator !
] = “!=
Punctuator[Punctuator !
] = “!==
Punctuator[Punctuator #
] = “#
Punctuator[Punctuator %
] = “%
Punctuator[Punctuator %
] = “%=
Punctuator[Punctuator &
] = “&
Punctuator[Punctuator &
] = “&&
Punctuator[Punctuator &
] = “&&=
Punctuator[Punctuator &
] = “&=
Punctuator[Punctuator (
] = “(
Punctuator[Punctuator )
] = “)
Punctuator[Punctuator *
] = “*
Punctuator[Punctuator *
] = “*=
Punctuator[Punctuator +
] = “+
Punctuator[Punctuator +
] = “++
Punctuator[Punctuator +
] = “+=
Punctuator[Punctuator ,
] = “,
Punctuator[Punctuator -
] = “-
Punctuator[Punctuator -
] = “--
Punctuator[Punctuator -
] = “-=
Punctuator[Punctuator -
] = “->
Punctuator[Punctuator .
] = “.
Punctuator[Punctuator .
] = “..
Punctuator[Punctuator .
] = “...
Punctuator[Punctuator :
] = “:
Punctuator[Punctuator :
] = “::
Punctuator[Punctuator ;
] = “;
Punctuator[Punctuator <
] = “<
Punctuator[Punctuator <
] = “<<
Punctuator[Punctuator <
] = “<<=
Punctuator[Punctuator <
] = “<=
Punctuator[Punctuator =
] = “=
Punctuator[Punctuator =
] = “==
Punctuator[Punctuator =
] = “===
Punctuator[Punctuator >
] = “>
Punctuator[Punctuator >
] = “>=
Punctuator[Punctuator >
] = “>>
Punctuator[Punctuator >
] = “>>=
Punctuator[Punctuator >
] = “>>>
Punctuator[Punctuator >
] = “>>>=
Punctuator[Punctuator ?
] = “?
Punctuator[Punctuator @
] = “@
Punctuator[Punctuator [
] = “[
Punctuator[Punctuator ]
] = “]
Punctuator[Punctuator ^
] = “^
Punctuator[Punctuator ^
] = “^=
Punctuator[Punctuator ^
] = “^^
Punctuator[Punctuator ^
] = “^^=
Punctuator[Punctuator {
] = “{
Punctuator[Punctuator |
] = “|
Punctuator[Punctuator |
] = “|=
Punctuator[Punctuator |
] = “||
Punctuator[Punctuator |
] = “||=
Punctuator[Punctuator }
] = “}
Punctuator[Punctuator ~
] = “~
action Punctuator[DivisionPunctuator] : String
Punctuator[DivisionPunctuator /
, *
}]] = “/
Punctuator[DivisionPunctuator /
] = “/=
action DoubleValue[NumericLiteral] : Double
DoubleValue[NumericLiteral DecimalLiteral]
= rationalToDouble(RationalValue[DecimalLiteral])
DoubleValue[NumericLiteral HexIntegerLiteral [lookahead{HexDigit}]]
= rationalToDouble(IntegerValue[HexIntegerLiteral])
expt(base: Rational, exponent: Integer) : Rational
= if exponent = 0
then 1
else if exponent < 0
then 1/expt(base, -exponent)
else base*expt(base, exponent - 1)
Fractionaction RationalValue[DecimalLiteral] : Rational
RationalValue[DecimalLiteral Mantissa] = RationalValue[Mantissa]
RationalValue[DecimalLiteral Mantissa LetterE SignedInteger]
= RationalValue[Mantissa]*expt(10, IntegerValue[SignedInteger])
action RationalValue[Mantissa] : Rational
RationalValue[Mantissa DecimalIntegerLiteral] = IntegerValue[DecimalIntegerLiteral]
RationalValue[Mantissa DecimalIntegerLiteral .
] = IntegerValue[DecimalIntegerLiteral]
RationalValue[Mantissa DecimalIntegerLiteral .
= IntegerValue[DecimalIntegerLiteral] + RationalValue[Fraction]
RationalValue[Mantissa .
Fraction] = RationalValue[Fraction]
action IntegerValue[DecimalIntegerLiteral] : Integer
IntegerValue[DecimalIntegerLiteral 0
] = 0
IntegerValue[DecimalIntegerLiteral NonZeroDecimalDigits]
= IntegerValue[NonZeroDecimalDigits]
action IntegerValue[NonZeroDecimalDigits] : Integer
IntegerValue[NonZeroDecimalDigits NonZeroDigit] = DecimalValue[NonZeroDigit]
IntegerValue[NonZeroDecimalDigits NonZeroDecimalDigits1 ASCIIDigit]
= 10*IntegerValue[NonZeroDecimalDigits1] + DecimalValue[ASCIIDigit]
action DecimalValue[NonZeroDigit] : Integer = digitValue(NonZeroDigit)
action RationalValue[Fraction] : Rational
RationalValue[Fraction DecimalDigits]
= IntegerValue[DecimalDigits]/expt(10, NDigits[DecimalDigits])
action IntegerValue[SignedInteger] : Integer
IntegerValue[SignedInteger DecimalDigits] = IntegerValue[DecimalDigits]
IntegerValue[SignedInteger +
DecimalDigits] = IntegerValue[DecimalDigits]
IntegerValue[SignedInteger -
DecimalDigits] = -IntegerValue[DecimalDigits]
action IntegerValue[DecimalDigits] : Integer
IntegerValue[DecimalDigits ASCIIDigit] = DecimalValue[ASCIIDigit]
IntegerValue[DecimalDigits DecimalDigits1 ASCIIDigit]
= 10*IntegerValue[DecimalDigits1] + DecimalValue[ASCIIDigit]
action NDigits[DecimalDigits] : Integer
NDigits[DecimalDigits ASCIIDigit] = 1
NDigits[DecimalDigits DecimalDigits1 ASCIIDigit] = NDigits[DecimalDigits1] + 1
action IntegerValue[HexIntegerLiteral] : Integer
IntegerValue[HexIntegerLiteral 0
LetterX HexDigit] = HexValue[HexDigit]
IntegerValue[HexIntegerLiteral HexIntegerLiteral1 HexDigit]
= 16*IntegerValue[HexIntegerLiteral1] + HexValue[HexDigit]
action HexValue[HexDigit] : Integer = digitValue(HexDigit)
action StringValue[StringLiteral] : String
StringValue[StringLiteral '
StringCharssingle '
] = StringValue[StringCharssingle]
StringValue[StringLiteral "
StringCharsdouble "
] = StringValue[StringCharsdouble]
action StringValue[StringChars] : String
StringValue[StringChars «empty»] = “”
StringValue[StringChars StringChars1 StringChar]
= StringValue[StringChars1] [CharacterValue[StringChar]]
action CharacterValue[StringChar] : Character
CharacterValue[StringChar LiteralStringChar] = LiteralStringChar
CharacterValue[StringChar \
StringEscape] = CharacterValue[StringEscape]
action CharacterValue[StringEscape] : Character
CharacterValue[StringEscape ControlEscape] = CharacterValue[ControlEscape]
CharacterValue[StringEscape ZeroEscape] = CharacterValue[ZeroEscape]
CharacterValue[StringEscape HexEscape] = CharacterValue[HexEscape]
CharacterValue[StringEscape IdentityEscape] = IdentityEscape
action CharacterValue[ControlEscape] : Character
CharacterValue[ControlEscape b
] = ‘«BS»
CharacterValue[ControlEscape f
] = ‘«FF»
CharacterValue[ControlEscape n
] = ‘«LF»
CharacterValue[ControlEscape r
] = ‘«CR»
CharacterValue[ControlEscape t
] = ‘«TAB»
CharacterValue[ControlEscape v
] = ‘«VT»
action CharacterValue[ZeroEscape] : Character
CharacterValue[ZeroEscape 0
[lookahead{ASCIIDigit}]] = ‘«NUL»
action CharacterValue[HexEscape] : Character
CharacterValue[HexEscape x
HexDigit1 HexDigit2]
= codeToCharacter(16*HexValue[HexDigit1] + HexValue[HexDigit2])
CharacterValue[HexEscape u
HexDigit1 HexDigit2 HexDigit3 HexDigit4]
= codeToCharacter(
4096*HexValue[HexDigit1] + 256*HexValue[HexDigit2] + 16*HexValue[HexDigit3] +
action REValue[RegExpLiteral] : RegExp
REValue[RegExpLiteral RegExpBody RegExpFlags]
= reBody REBody[RegExpBody], reFlags REFlags[RegExpFlags]
action REFlags[RegExpFlags] : String
REFlags[RegExpFlags «empty»] = “”
REFlags[RegExpFlags RegExpFlags1 ContinuingIdentifierCharacter]
= REFlags[RegExpFlags1] [CharacterValue[ContinuingIdentifierCharacter]]
action REBody[RegExpBody] : String
REBody[RegExpBody /
}] RegExpChars /
] = REBody[RegExpChars]
action REBody[RegExpChars] : String
REBody[RegExpChars RegExpChar] = REBody[RegExpChar]
REBody[RegExpChars RegExpChars1 RegExpChar]
= REBody[RegExpChars1] REBody[RegExpChar]
action REBody[RegExpChar] : String
REBody[RegExpChar OrdinaryRegExpChar] = [OrdinaryRegExpChar]
REBody[RegExpChar \
NonTerminator] = [‘\
’, NonTerminator]
Waldemar Horwat Last modified Monday, December 6, 1999 |
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