Tasks | Bugs | Owners | Delivery Mileston | Estimated Improvments |
General Improvements | | waterson | 0.9.6 | cuts 10% off window close! |
52149: scrolling bookmark tree is absolutely slow | blakeross | 0.9.7 |   | |
73508: bookmarks tree widget need to be converted to rdfliner | blakeross | 0.9.7 |   | |
77051: Linux popup menus painfully slow (too many calls to XGrabPointer and XGetGeometry) | blizzard | 0.9.7 |   | |
82854: FilePicker: Loading a directory with large number of files is very slow | bryner | 0.9.7 |   | |
| bienvenu | 0.9.6 |   | |
| bryner | 0.9.6 | 5% linux | |
80561: dragging splitters too slow on linux | evughan |   |   | |
83205: Typing speed in autocomplete text field is unacceptably slow | hewitt |   |   | |
97157: Find in page with a "pre" tag is very very slow | kin | 0.9.9 |   | |
95461: Find with WrapAround selected is very very slow | kin | 0.9.9 |   | |
34887: paint: Opaque nsIFrame's instances need to set SetViewContentTransparency on their views to avoid repainting fully occluded background areas | kmcclusk | 0.9.7 | kevin - patch/build to turn off painting by wed 10/24 jrgm - measurements | |
69010: nsRenderingContext::FillRect is way slow | kmcclusk | 0.9.7 | Mac only?? | |
Style System - sharing rule tree |   |   |   | |
Mail Improvements | 104989: improve 2nd compose window time by hiding compose window on send, and re-showing it after clearing, subject, etc | ducarroz | 0.9.7 | user_pref("mail.compose.max_recycled_windows", 1); footprint impact? |
| naving | 0.9.6 |   | |
: investigate reply speed, after 104989 lands | ducarroz |   |   | |
: fix first compose window speed, after 104989 lands | ducarroz |   |   | |
: investigate fcc2 menu (should be done lazily) | varada |   |   | |
70858: switch from tree to listbox in the addressing widget | hewitt | 0.9.6 | [XUL Syntax] Implement listbox | |
| sspitzer | 0.9.6 | minimal | |
| sspitzer | 0.9.6 |   | |
: reduce composer toolbar updating even more, if we can focusedElement wasn't null when editor has focus (or figure something else) | sspitzer |   |   | |
108393: use setTimeout() to improve tabbing from address to address, address to subject, subject to body | sspitzer |   |   | |
| cavin | 0.9.6 |   | |
104519: improve message display performance by selectively notifying the header sink | mscott |   |   | |
22960: Improve message display performance | mscott | 0.9.7 |   | |
: investigate folder loading | cavin,naving,bienvenu |   |   | |
: investigate mork | bienvenu |   |   | |
: investigate footprint (where's the memory going?) | naving,bienvenu |   |   | |
: investigate leaks | bienvenu |   |   | |
107481: Opening folder: Doing UpdateCommands("mail-toolbar") several times | sspitzer | 0.9.7 |   | |
104610: Using 'n' and advancing to next folder is unbearably slow | naving | 0.9.7 |   | |
104676: Local folder mail viewing of a large mailbox is too slow | naving | 0.9.6 |   | |
106817: many threads being created and destroyed when in menupop with icons | pavlov | 0.9.7 |   | |
104905: increase nsXULAttributeValue::kMaxAtomValueLength or force atom more in nsXULAttributeValue::SetValue() | sspitzer |   |   | |
103451: sorting performance: need GetSortKeyLen() and CreateRawSortKey() that take const PRUnichar * to avoid copying | naving |   |   | |
26455: Mail startup time is slow | cavin |   |   | |
103010: make news servers closed on startup, don't do any NNTP on startup. | sspitzer | 0.9.6 |   | |
: nvestigate how expensive our folder datasource usage is in the folder pane | sspitzer |   |   | |
: investigate our account manager datasource & folder datasource based XUL template generated content (get messages, copy, file, move). should all be done lazily. | sspitzer |   |   | |
: investigate other XUL template generated content (charset menu, tasks, etc). should all be done lazily | varada |   |   | |
: investigate a simpler skin (does modern's complexity and polish slow us down?) | varada,sspitzer |   |   | |
| bienvenu | 0.9.6 |   | |
: switch it so that we display the contents of the imap folder before we connect to the server and do folder discovery and download headers. (though you can't load a message until we've finished all that. we might want to investigate doing folder discovery on a different thread, though it could cause problems) | bienvenu |   |   | |
108584: switch to using PRPackedBool | sspitzer |   |   | |
107151: ab: investigate performance | sspitzer |   |   | |
73868: ab: switch to pure outliner (not rdfliner) implement a nsIOutlinerView like we do in nsMsgDBView for the results pane, and ab sidebar | sspitzer |   |   | |
: ab: switch to rdf line for addressbook / mailing list pane (like we do in the folder pane) | sspitzer |   |   | |
: ab: clean up directory and card datasources | sspitzer |   |   | |
105835: ab: clean up addressPane.css . | sspitzer |   |   | |
: cache edit / new card window, like in 104989 | sspitzer |   |   | |
104988 increase string bundle cache, break apart our string bundles (especially compose, move the errors out from the main compose bundle), make sure the string bundle cache is big enough that we aren't swapping out bundles, or make callers hold onto bundles where possible. | varada |   |   | |
80897: batching for multiple msg delete, marking as read, etc | sspitzer |   |   | |
108577: automate leak / bloat measuring, tie into tinderbox | varada, stephend, mcafee |   |   | |
78787: add better logging so that stephend can automate more of his timings | varada, stephend |   |   | |
Slow scrolling bugs | 60371: [linux] slow scrolling of the text field using mouse | kin |   |   |