Bugzilla version 2.13

This is Bugzilla: the Mozilla bug system. For more information about what Bugzilla is and what it can do, see mozilla.org 's bug pages .

Enter Bug
  This page lets you enter a new bug into Bugzilla.

Use Netscape's problem report form to report bugs with Netscape 6. Before reporting a Netscape 6 problem here, you must reproduce it in a recent build of Mozilla to make sure the problem hasn't been fixed already.

Consider using the bug helper instead of this form. Before reporting a new bug, make sure you've read our bug writing guidelines and double checked that your bug hasn't already been reported. Consult our list of most frequently reported bugs and search through descriptions of previously reported bugs.

Reporter: asa@rheet.com Product: Browser
Version: Component:

Platform: OS:



Assigned To: (Leave blank to assign to default component owner)



Some fields initialized from your user-agent, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.2+) Gecko/20010724. If you think it got it wrong, please tell endico@mozilla.org what it should have been.
This is Bugzilla: the Mozilla bug system. For more information about what Bugzilla is and what it can do, see mozilla.org 's bug pages .
Actions: New | Query | bug # | Reports | My votes   Edit prefs | Log out asa@rheet.com
Preset Queries: My bugs