Borderless Buttons
Netscape Client User Experience Group
Date created: 3/17/96
Date Last Modified:

Summary Table of Contents Sample images: Design Goals
  1. Present a consistent visual style across the product
  2. Provide an updated look that's inviting and attractive
  3. Create clear distinction between controls and content

Communicator 4.0 and after provides three toolbar appearance choices: pictures & text, text only, or pictures only in toolbars. The buttons on the toolbar also have four states: mouse over; enabled; mouse down; and disabled. The visual design of icon images should meet these requirements. For other related information, please see the Toolbars Specification.

Color palette for icon images:
Communicator 4.0 and after uses specified color palettes and file format for all the icon images. For details, see Color Palette Specification.

Button sizes and image area:

Visual design details: