Users can cancel a drop-down menu by pressing the ALT key whenever the
menu bar is active. This not only closes the drop-down menu, it deactivates
the menu bar. Pressing the ESC key also cancels a drop-down menu. However,
the ESC key cancels only the current menu level. For example, if
a drop-down menu is open, pressing ESC closes the drop-down menu, but leaves
its menu title highlighted. Pressing ESC a second time unhighlights the
menu title and deactivates the menu bar, returning input focus to the content
information in the window.
Assign access keys characters to controls using the following guidelines (in order of choice):
There are some cases where we prefer Mac-like menus over cross-platform consistency. Macintosh applications typically group Close with Save. Windows users, as we have observed in the usability lab, prefer Close grouped with Exit at the bottom of the File menu. "Clear" is used in the Edit menu instead of "Delete".
The New submenu in the Inbox window might look like this:
We have observed in usability studies that users have a hard time finding
items in the Communicator menu because it is too long. This is a
problem that should be addressed in future designs: how do we provide
menu access to all windows and components while making them discoverable
and easy to access quickly without cluttering the menus and/or the menu