struct INTL_CCCFuncs
This structure hold the private functions of a conversion object
void (*call_report_autodetect)(CCCDataObject, uint16)
- The private function of INTL_CallCCCReportAutoDetect
int32 (*get_cvtflag)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCCvtflag
CCCFunc (*get_cvtfunc)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCCvtfunc
uint16 (*get_default_doc_csid)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCDefaultCSID
uint16 (*get_from_csid)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCFromCSID
int32 (*get_jismode)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCJismode
int32 (*get_len)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCLen
int (*get_retval)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCRetval
uint16 (*get_to_csid)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCToCSID
unsigned char* (*get_uncvtbuf)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCUncvtbuf
void (*set_cvtflag)(CCCDataObject, int32)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCCvtflag
void (*set_cvtfunc)(CCCDataObject, CCCFunc)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCCvtfunc
void (*set_default_doc_csid)(CCCDataObject, uint16)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCDefaultCSID
void (*set_from_csid)(CCCDataObject, uint16)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCFromCSID
void (*set_jismode)(CCCDataObject, int32)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCJismode
void (*set_len)(CCCDataObject, int32)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCLen
void (*set_report_autodetect)(CCCDataObject, CCCRADFunc, void*)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCReportAutoDetect
void (*set_retval)(CCCDataObject, int)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCRetval
void (*set_to_csid)(CCCDataObject, uint16)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCToCSID
This structure hold the private functions of a conversion object. WARNING: THIS STRUCT AND THE TABLE MUST BE IN SYNC WITH EACH OTHER
void (*set_report_autodetect)(CCCDataObject, CCCRADFunc, void*)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCReportAutoDetect
void (*call_report_autodetect)(CCCDataObject, uint16)
- The private function of INTL_CallCCCReportAutoDetect
void (*set_cvtfunc)(CCCDataObject, CCCFunc)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCCvtfunc
CCCFunc (*get_cvtfunc)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCCvtfunc
void (*set_jismode)(CCCDataObject, int32)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCJismode
int32 (*get_jismode)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCJismode
void (*set_cvtflag)(CCCDataObject, int32)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCCvtflag
int32 (*get_cvtflag)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCCvtflag
unsigned char* (*get_uncvtbuf)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCUncvtbuf
void (*set_default_doc_csid)(CCCDataObject, uint16)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCDefaultCSID
uint16 (*get_default_doc_csid)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCDefaultCSID
void (*set_from_csid)(CCCDataObject, uint16)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCFromCSID
uint16 (*get_from_csid)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCFromCSID
void (*set_to_csid)(CCCDataObject, uint16)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCToCSID
uint16 (*get_to_csid)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCToCSID
void (*set_retval)(CCCDataObject, int)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCRetval
int (*get_retval)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCRetval
void (*set_len)(CCCDataObject, int32)
- The private function of INTL_SetCCCLen
int32 (*get_len)(CCCDataObject)
- The private function of INTL_GetCCCLen
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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