
At the heart of Netscape client products lies the Netscape Network Library (netlib). The underlying mission of any network library is to move data (html files, images, etc.) over a network connection. You'll soon learn that Netscape's netlib responsibilities have grown over the years to encompass more functionality than simple data movement, however, the mission core remains the same.

A necessity of any network based client app is to send and receive data over a connection. This is accomplished in netlib by making a call to NET_GetURL(). Among NET_GetURL()'s arguments is a URL_Struct which contains the actual url to be retrieved. When a call to NET_GetURL() is made, a connection is established between the client making the request and the host machine named in the url, a request is sent in a particular format specified by the protocol (i.e. http, ftp), and data is received by the client, from the host machine. Now, there is a considerable amount of activity that takes place to accomplish this, and there are many issues to consider before retrieving the data; should a proxy be used to retrieve the data, does the data already reside locally (in part or in whole) in the cache, how do we give focus back to the calling application while data is in transit (you don't want your application to lock up, waiting for the data, do you?), and so on. These issues are part of netlib's responsibility to resolve and take appropriate action. These issues are discussed in pertinent sections of this documentation.

Once data has been retrieved over the network, it has to be interpreted, otherwise it's meaningless. Once data is received (or before data is sent), it is in a stream. Content type converters register themselves as stream handlers, and do the interpretation. Content type converters are registered with a call to NET_RegisterContentTypeConverter(). This registration call associates a function pointer with a particular stream type (mime-type), which is called when a stream of this type arrives. It then becomes the responsibility of the converter, not netlib's, to interpret the data coming down the stream. Recall that netlib simply moves the data back and forth, it doesn't know anything about it. Perhaps the data coming in is html in which case whichever converter registered itself to handle html for the given context (see Streams for more info.) will handle it. In the browser context, the converter would wind up displaying the data in the browser window.

Rarely is a client in an environment in which it establishes only one connection to retrieve only one url. Most of today's web pages consist of some html text and multiple images. This fact requires netlib to be able to process many urls "simultaneously." Simultaneously as far as perception is concerned. This can be accomplished in several ways. One solution would be to create a new thread for each url to retrieve, and call NET_GetURL() on each new thread. For many reasons, this is not what netlib does. Another solution, which netlib employs, involves a list of urls currently being processed (active urls), which netlib maintains (adds a url to the list when a call to NET_GetURL() is made, and removes a url from it when it's been completed) and continuously processes. If there are active entries in this list, netlib "processes" one of them for a timeslice, then passes focus back to the loop. The loop is aware that active entries still exist, and calls back into netlib (via a call to NET_ProcessNet()) so more processing occurs. This looping continues until all active entries are gone (all urls have been retrieved). Netlib runs in the main mozilla thread and is not designed for multithread use, it instead relies on this loop-back call mechanism and the asynchronous nature of each protocol implementation to handle multiple connections simultaneously.

Judson Valeski, 1998