netlib files


ntypes.h defines public netlib types.
net.h defines public netlib types and structs, and some netlib #defines.


cachedump.c application to dump out each cache database record
crawler.c implements html url parsing routines to determine html doc depth
crawler.h function prototypes for crawler.c
cvactive.c content converter: multiple document stream
cvchunk.c content converter: chunked document stream
cvchunk.h function prototypes for cvchunk.h
cvcolor.c content converter: recolor an html document stream
cvcolor.h function prototypes for cvcolor.h
cvdisk.c content converter: write a stream to disk
cvdisk.h function prototypes for cvdisk.c
cvextcon.c content converter: uses external unix programs to do stream filtering
cvextcon.h function prototypes for cvextcon.c
cvmime.c Content Type converter registration function among some general content converters.
cvmime.h function prototypes for cvmime.c
cvproxy.c content converter: proxy stream
cvproxy.h function prototypes for cvproxy.c
cvsimple.c content converter: saves data into a buffer
cvsimple.h function prototypes for cvsimple.h
cvunzip.c content converter: gzip decompression stream
cvunzip.h function prototypes for cvunzip.c
cvview.c content converter: external viewer stream
cvview.h function prototypes for cvview.c
extcache.c external cache database access routines
extcache.h function prototypes for extcache.c
htmparse.c html parsing routines for crawler.c
htmparse.h function prototypes for htmparse.c
jsautocf.c implements proxy automatic configuration file support
jsautocf.h function prototypes for jsautocf.c
jscookie.c implements javascript cookie filters.
jscookie.h function prototypes for jscookie.c
Makefile build macros and directives
mime.types mimetypes to be included in the generated mktypes.h file for all platforms
mime.types-nonunix mimetypes to be included in the generated mktypes.h file for all non-unix platforms
mime.types-unix mimetypes to be included in the generated mktypes.h file for all unix platforms
mkabook.cpp address book protocol implementation
mkabook.h function prototypes for mkabook.cpp
mkaccess.c cookies implementation and basic authentication functions
mkaccess.h function prototypes for mkaccess.c
mkalert.c misc. test alert/confrim routines
mkautocf.c proxy autoconfiguration (pac) file support
mkautocf.h function prototypes for mkautocf.c. These functions are called from NET_GetURL()
mkcache.c cache database implementation and supporting routines
mkcache.h function prototypes for mkcache.c
mkcertld.c ldap protocol implementation
mkcertld.h function prototypes for mkcertld.c
mkconect.c general connection support. net_FindAddress() (dns lookup routine), NET_BeginConnect(), NET_FinishConnect().
mkdaturl.c implements data scheme/protocol. net_ProcessDataURL()
mkdaturl.h function prototypes for mkdaturl.c
mkextcac.c external cache interaction routines
mkextcac.h funciton prototypes for mkextcac.c
mkfile.c implements file scheme/protocol. net_ProcessFile()
mkfile.h function prototypes for mkfile.c
mkformat.c file format determination implementation
mkformat.h function prototypes for mkformat.c
mkfsort.c array sort routine
mkfsort.h function prototypes for mkfsort.c
mkftp.c implements ftp scheme/protocol. net_ProcessFTP()
mkftp.h function prototypes for mkftp.c
mkgeturl.c NET_GetURL(), NET_ProcessNET(), various helper routines, netlib initialization and shutdown implementation
mkgeturl.h function prototypes for mkgeturl.c
mkgopher.c implements gopher scheme/protocol. net_ProcessGopher()
mkgopher.h function prototypes for mkgopher.c
mkhelp.c net help parsing routines
mkhelp.h function prototypes for mkhelp.c
mkhttp.c implements http scheme/protocol. net_ProcessHTTP()
mkhttp.h function prototypes for mkhttp.c
mkinit.c various init routines
mkjscfg.c javascript config file implementation
mkjscfg.h function prototypes for mkjscfg.c
mkldap.h function prototype for ldap init routine
mkmailbx.c mailbox protocol implementation
mkmailbx.h function prototypes for mkmailbx.c
mkmemcac.c memory cache implementation
mkmemcac.h function prototypes for mkmemcac.c
mkmessag.c netlib error number to message converter
mkmocha.c content converter: javascript stream
mkmocha.h function prototypes for mkmocha.c
mknews.c news protocol implementation
mknews.h function prototypes for mknews.c
mknewsgr.c newsgroup implementation
mknewsgr.h function prototypes for mknewsgr.c
mkpadpac.c implements proxy client autodiscovery support.
mkpadpac.h function prototypes for mkpadpac.h
mkparse.c implements netlib parsing api routines
mkparse.h function prototypes for mkparse.c
mkpop3.c pop3 protocol implementation
mkpop3.h function prototypes for mkpop3.c
mkremote.c 3270 protocol implementation
mkremote.h function prototypes for mkremote.c
mkselect.c socket select and polling routines
mkselect.h function prototypes for mkselect.c
mksmtp.c smtp protocol implementation
mksmtp.h function prototypes for mksmtp.c
mksockrw.c various network reading/writing routines
mksort.c simple sorting routines
mksort.h function prototypes for mksort.c
mkstream.c netlib Streams implementation
mkstream.h function prototypes for mkstream.c
mktcp.h function prototypes for begin/finish connect routines.
mktrace.c implements debugging trace (dumps to stdout) support
mktrace.h function prototypes for mktrace.c
mktypes.h generated mime-type list
mkutils.c miscelaneous netlib helper routines
mkutils.h function prototypes for mkutils.c
pagescan.c crawler.c html tag scanner
pagescan.h function prototypes for pagescan.c
prefetch.c url prefetching implementation
robotxt.c crawler.c helper routines
robotxt.h function prototypes for robotxt.c
txview.c plain text converter function
txview.h function prototype for txview.c
unix-dns.c implements asyncronous dns lookup api for unix builds