Index of Localization Technotes
Correct for release: Version 4.05
5 May 1998: first draft (rthorne)22 May 1998: edited for public release (relliott)
19 June 1998: added trademark tech note for Win 32 (relliott)
08 August 1998: added cheapJ10n script for Unix (relliott)
Platform | Technote Title | Purpose |
Windows | key_resources.html | Key resources you need to localize correctly so that the product works correctly. |
about_page.html | Localizing the "About Communicator" page in the Win32 client. | |
trademarks.html | Removing or replacing Netscape trademarks in the Win32 client. | |
Unix | cheapJ10n | Script to modify your English file to support Japanese fonts. |