Document Loading: From Load Start to Finding a Handler
by Boris Zbarsky <>

This document describes the beginning of the document loading process. We start with the request to load a particular link in a particular window, and proceed up to the point at which the data stream is dispatched to the proper handler. The final goal is to find the correct stream listener to pump the data into when necko calls OnDataAvailable (e.g., we may find the HTML parser as the stream listener to give the data to).

Dramatis Personae

This document focuses on the interaction of three classes with each other, but other Mozilla components are also involved.

Main Roles

This class corresponds, basically, to a "window" object in JavaScript -- each frame, iframe, content area, tab, etc has its own docshell. A docshell can have a name associated with it (e.g. a named frame). All loads that we consider in this document are initiated via the docshell. nsDocShell/nsWebShell implements too many interfaces to count; the ones that matter to us most are nsIWebNavigation and nsILinkHandler.
This is a service implementing nsIURILoader. It keeps track of currently pending loads and registered content listeners. Some facilities are provided for starting loads, canceling loads, and other such micromanagement.
This class encapsulates all the information related to a particular load. There is basically one of these per load (though see the section on stream converters). nsDocumentOpenInfo implements nsIStreamListener and proxies the nsIStreamListener calls over to the "real" stream listener once one is chosen. This is the class that handles deciding where the data from the load should go.

Supporting Roles

This is the Mozilla networking library. This handles actually going out and getting the data. It also handles determining the MIME type of the data, which is used to decide who gets the data.
Category Manager
This is used in a last-ditch attempt to find a content listener.
nsIURIContentListener implementations
We try to find one of these which can handle data of the type we're looking at (that is, it can give us an nsIStreamListener to pump data into). Most often, the one we find is nsDSURIContentListener, which corresponds to a docshell and handles most of the data types that Mozilla handles internally.
If we can't do anything else with a load, we give it to the nsIExternalHelperAppService and let it look for a helper app, put up the "what do I do now?" dialog, and so forth.

Bird's Eye View

(13) DoContent() (10) GetCategoryEntry() (12) (11) (9) (8) (7) OnStartRequest() (6) AsyncOpen() (5) Open() (4) (0) RegisterContentListener() (3) openURI() (nsURILoader) (2) (1) loadURI/onLinkClick nsIExternalHelperAppService Category Manager nsDocumentOpenInfo Necko nsURILoader nsDocShell Diagram showing relationships between nsDocShell, nsURILoader, nsDocumentOpenInfo, etc.

Guided Tour

  1. During startup and component initialization, components register themselves with the URILoader via RegisterContentListener. These registered listeners are used later during content dispatch.

  2. API calls to load a new URI. These can come in via nsIWebNavigation (a scriptable embedding interface) or nsILinkHandler (an internal interface used for link clicks). Both interfaces are implemented by nsWebShell/nsDocShell. These API calls will typically pass in a URI string or object to load, and may include information like the name of the target frame (for <a target="something">, e.g.).

  3. nsDocShell::InternalLoad() handles targeting to the correct docshell (if the load has a target window associated with it), scrolling to anchors (if the load is an anchor within the current page), and session history issues. It calls DoURILoad().

    DoURILoad() creates a channel, massages it to have the right POST data, load flags, cache key, referrer, etc. It then passes the channel to DoChannelLoad, which does some more flag massaging and then calls into the URILoader.

  4. nsURILoader::OpenURI gets a channel to open, a boolean indicating whether this load is the result of a link click, and an nsISupports "window context" (the docshell triggering the load, actually, but in drag and heavy makeup).

  5. nsURILoader::OpenURI notifies the nsIURIContentListener hanging off the window context, if any, of the start of the load; this gives embedders a chance to abort the load if this URI type is something they want to handle in the embedding app. If the load is not aborted, we create an nsDocumentOpenInfo object for this load, passing it the "this is a link click" boolean and the window context.

  6. nsDocumentOpenInfo::Open is passed the channel to open. It calls GetInterface on the window context to get and save that context's nsIURIContentListener.

  7. nsDocumentOpenInfo just opens the channel, setting itself as the stream listener.

  8. OnStartRequest notification comes back from Necko

  9. nsDocumentOpenInfo::OnStartRequest checks the response status code on the channel for HTTP channels and drops the load on the floor if warranted (e.g. 204 or 205 responses). Then it calls nsDocumentOpenInfo::DispatchContent

  10. nsDocumentOpenInfo::DispatchContent starts doing the real dirty work. First it checks whether the channel has "Content-Disposition: attachment" set. If so, it skips trying to find an internal viewer and goes right over to looking for a stream converter. Otherwise, DispatchContent goes through a three-step process to try to find the correct listener.

    The basic idea is that DispatchContent calls nsDocumentOpenInfo::TryContentListener on various content listeners; if that returns true, we have found the right listener and we are done. TryContentListener makes use of the IsPreferred and CanHandleContent functions on nsIURIContentListener and calls DoContent() on the listener if it claims to handle the data, as well as hooking up a stream converter if the listener asks for one. If any of those steps fails, the function returns false so that another content listener will be looked for.

    The first content listener we check is the content listener associated with our window context (the docshell that initiated the load). If this can't handle the content type, we loop over our stored list of possible listeners (previously registered via RegisterContentListener) and ask each one in turn whether it can handle the data.

  11. If we still have not found an nsIURIContentListener, we ask the category manager whether it has an entry for the desired content type under the NS_CONTENT_LISTENER_CATEGORYMANAGER_ENTRY key. If it does, we instantiate that component using its contractid (via CreateInstance) and call TryContentListener on it.

  12. If we find no content listener willing to handle the data, we look for a content handler (using CreateInstance on NS_CONTENT_HANDLER_CONTRACTID_PREFIX + aContentType). If a handler is found, we call HandleContent on it to give it a chance to take over the load. If it does so, we abort the entire dispatch process right here and cancel the necko request; we will not be getting a stream listener to stream data into, since the content handler has taken over completely.

  13. If at this point we do not have an nsIURIContentListener, we have failed to find a way to handle this content type. If that is the case, DispatchContent tries to convert the data to some other content type by looking for a stream converter that takes our content type as input and outputs the magic type "*/*" (which just means we'll take anything it can give us). If the type of the data is "application/x-unknown-content-type" (another magic type), this is where nsUnknownDecoder would be instantiated.

    The conversion attempt is made by calling ConvertData. This creates a new nsDocumentOpenInfo object and sets it as the output streamlistener of the converter. This way, once we know what type we've managed to get we can attempt to redispatch it.

    If a converter is found, we hook that up as our stream listener and are done -- we just need to pump data into it and let the downstream nsDocumentOpenInfo handle the final dispatch.

  14. If we still do not have a stream listener, that means that we failed to find an nsIURIContentListener or nsIContentHandler for this type. Give the load to the helper app service; this will return an nsIStreamListener that we can use.

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