Network Working Group                                           M. Smith
INTERNET-DRAFT                             Netscape Communications Corp.
Intended Category: Standards Track
Expires: 18 April 2000

                                                          18 October 1999

                 LDAP C API Virtual List View Extension

1.  Status of this Memo

This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all
provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.  Internet-Drafts are working docu-
ments of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its
working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute working
documents as Internet-Drafts.

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material
or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

This draft document will be submitted to the RFC Editor as a Standards
Track document. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.  Technical dis-
cussion of this document will take place on the IETF LDAP Extension
Working Group mailing list <>.  Please send
editorial comments directly to the author <>.

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998-1999). All Rights Reserved.

Please see the Copyright section near the end of this document for more

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2.  Introduction

This document defines a virtual list view extension for the LDAP C API
to support the LDAP protocol extensions for scrolling view browsing of
search results.  More specifically, this document defines functions to
create virtual list view request controls and to parse virtual list view
response controls.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
"SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED",  and "MAY" in this document are
to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [KEYWORDS].

3.  Table of Contents

1.     Status of this Memo............................................1
2.     Introduction...................................................2
3.     Table of Contents..............................................2
4.     Background and Intended Usage..................................2
5.     Advertising the Virtual List View C LDAP API Extension.........3
6.     Creating a Virtual List View Request Control...................3
7.     Parsing a Virtual List View Response Control...................6
8.     Example Code...................................................8
9.     Security Considerations........................................8
10.    Copyright......................................................8
11.    Bibliography...................................................9
12.    Author's Address...............................................9
13.    Appendix A - Summary of Additions to the C LDAP API............9

4.  Background and Intended Usage

The LDAP C API [CAPI] defines a C language application programming
interface (API) to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [LDAP].
This document defines an extension to that API to support an optional
LDAP protocol extension for scrolling view browsing of search results,
also known as Virtual List View [VLV].

The scrolling view browsing LDAP extension itself is designed to allow a
"virtual list box" feature to be supported efficiently by LDAP servers
and clients.  The protocol extension consists of two LDAP controls:  a
Virtual List View (VLV) Request control which is sent by a client to a
server along with an LDAP search request and a Virtual List View
Response control which is returned by the server to send back status
information about the VLV request.

LDAP clients that wish to use the "virtual list box" feature SHOULD
first check the supportedControls attribute in a server's rootDSE to

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determine if a value identical to the Virtual List View Request
control's OID is present.  If the OID is present and the client chooses
to use the VLV feature, it MUST construct a Virtual List View Request
control and a Server Side Sorting Control [SSS] and send both controls
to the server within an LDAP searchRequest message.  Both controls
SHOULD be marked critical.  Client applications MAY use the
ldap_create_vlv_control() function described in this document to create
a Virtual List View Request control.

At the end of the search request processing, the server SHOULD return a
Virtual List View Response control in the LDAP searchResultDone message.
A Virtual List View Response control MAY be parsed to extract its con-
tents by using the ldap_parse_vlv_control() function described in this

5.  Advertising the Virtual List View C LDAP API Extension

To conform with the requirements defined in the C LDAP API specification
[CAPI], implementations that support this extension SHOULD advertise the
existence of this extension as follows:

   Define the macro LDAP_API_FEATURE_VIRTUAL_LIST_VIEW as a value that
   corresponds to the "level" or revision of this specification.  When
   this document is published as an RFC, the value to use for
   LDAP_API_FEATURE_VIRTUAL_LIST_VIEW is the RFC number itself.  While
   this document is an Internet Draft, the value to use is 1000 plus the
   revision number of this draft, i.e., 1000 for the -00 revision of
   this draft, 1001 for the -01 version, and so on.

   Return the text string VIRTUAL_LIST_VIEW in the ldapai_extensions
   array of the LDAPAPIInfo structure following a successful call to
   ldap_get_option() with an option parameter value of

   Return information about the extension when the ldapaif_name field in
   the LDAPAPIFeatureInfo structure is set to the text string
   VIRTUAL_LIST_VIEW and a call to ldap_get_option() with an option
   parameter value of LDAP_OPT_API_FEATURE_INFO is made.

6.  Creating a Virtual List View Request Control

The LDAPVLVInfo structure describes a Virtual List View Request control
and is passed to the ldap_create_vlv_control() function to create a Vir-
tualListViewRequest control.  The resulting control SHOULD be passed to

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the ldap_search_ext() or ldap_search_ext_s() functions described in
[CAPI] to send them to the server.  The ldap_create_sort_control() func-
tion described in [SSSAPI] MAY be used to create a Sort control that is
be passed to the server along with the VirtualListViewRequest control.

The LDAPVLVInfo structure MAY also be used by applications to manage the
state information associated with a series of virtual list view
client/server interactions.

    /* LDAPVLVInfo structure: */
    typedef struct ldapvlvinfo {
        int             ldvlv_version;    /* version of this struct (1) */
        unsigned long   ldvlv_before_count;
        unsigned long   ldvlv_after_count;
        unsigned long   ldvlv_offset;     /* used if ldvlv_attrvalue is NULL
        unsigned long   ldvlv_count;      /* used if ldvlv_attrvalue is NULL
        struct berval   *ldvlv_attrvalue;
        struct berval   *ldvlv_context;
        void            *ldvlv_extradata; /* for use by application */
    } LDAPVLVInfo;

    /* value for the ldvlv_version field of the LDAPVLVInfo structure: */
    #define LDAP_VLVINFO_VERSION        1

    /* function used to create a VirtualListViewRequest control: */
    int ldap_create_vlv_control(
        LDAP            *ld,
        LDAPVLVInfo     *vlvinfop,
        LDAPControl     **ctrlp

    /* OID of the VirtualListViewRequest control: */
    #define LDAP_CONTROL_VLVREQUEST     "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9"

The parameters to the ldap_create_vlv_control() function are:

ld                  An LDAP session handle, as obtained from a call to

vlvinfop            The address of an LDAPVLVInfo structure whose con-
                    tents are used to construct the value of the control
                    that is created.

ctrlp               A result parameter that will be assigned the address
                    of an LDAPControl structure that contains the Virtu-
                    alListViewRequest control created by this function.
                    The memory occupied by the LDAPControl structure
                    SHOULD be freed when it is no longer in use by

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                    calling ldap_control_free().

The ldap_create_vlv_control() function returns a C LDAP API error code
to indicate success or failure (LDAP_SUCCESS if all goes well).

The members of the LDAPVLVInfo structure are:

ldvlv_version       A number that identifies the version of the
                    LDAPVLVInfo structure.  This SHOULD always be set to
                    the value LDAP_VLVINFO_VERSION (1).

ldvlv_before_count  A count of the number of entries before the target
                    entry the client wants the server to send back.
                    This field corresponds to the beforeCount element of
                    the BER-encoded VirtualListViewRequest control value

ldvlv_after_count   A count of the number of entries after the target
                    entry the client wants the server to send back.
                    This field corresponds to the afterCount element of
                    the BER-encoded VirtualListViewRequest control value

ldvlv_offset        This field is only used if ldvlv_attrvalue is NULL,
                    i.e, if the byoffset choice within the VirtualList-
                    ViewRequest control is to be used.  ldvlv_offset is
                    used along with the ldvlv_count value by the server
                    to determine the target entry.  This field
                    corresponds to the offset element within the BER-
                    encoded VirtualListViewRequest control value itself.

ldvlv_count         This field is only used if ldvlv_attrvalue is NULL,
                    i.e., if the byIndex choice within the VirtualList-
                    ViewRequest control is to be used.  ldvlv_count is
                    used along with the ldvlv_offset value by the server
                    to determine the target entry.  This field
                    corresponds to the contentCount element within the
                    BER-encoded VirtualListViewRequest control value

ldvlv_attrvalue     If this is not NULL, it indicates that the
                    greaterThanOrEqual choice within the VirtualList-
                    ViewRequest is to be used.  ldvlv_attrvalue
                    corresponds to the assertionValue element of the
                    BER-encoded VirtualListViewRequest control value
                    itself.  This value is compared by the server with
                    the values of the attribute specified by the primary
                    sort key to determine the target entry.

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ldvlv_context       If this is not NULL, it is included as the context
                    identifier in the VirtualListViewRequest control;
                    ldvlv_context corresponds to the contextID element
                    within the BER-encoded VirtualListViewRequest con-
                    trol value itself.  If ldvlv_context is NULL, no
                    context identifier is included in the VirtualList-
                    ViewRequest control.

ldvlv_extradata     This field is reserved for application-specific use
                    and is not used by the ldap_create_vlv_control()
                    function; it has no effect on the control that is

7.  Parsing a Virtual List View Response Control

When an application receives the result from a VLV search, it SHOULD use
the ldap_parse_vlv_control() function to look for and parse the Virtual
List View Response control returned by the server.

    /* function used to look for and parse a VirtualListViewResponse
control: */
    int ldap_parse_vlv_control(
        LDAP            *ld,
        LDAPControl     **ctrls,
        unsigned long   *target_posp,
        unsigned long   *list_countp,
        struct berval   **contextp,
        int             *errcodep

    /* OID of the VirtualListViewResponse control: */
    #define LDAP_CONTROL_VLVRESPONSE        "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10"

    /* new error codes: */
    #define LDAP_SORT_CONTROL_MISSING       0x3C    /* 60 */
    #define LDAP_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR          0x3D    /* 61 */

The parameters to the ldap_parse_vlv_control() function are:

ld                  An LDAP session handle.

ctrls               The address of a NULL-terminated array of LDAPCon-
                    trol structures, typically obtained by a call to

target_posp         This result parameter is filled in with the list
                    index of the target entry.  If this parameter is
                    NULL, the target position is not returned.  The

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                    value for this result parameter is pulled from the
                    targetPosition element of the BER-encoded Virtual-
                    ListViewResponse control value itself.

list_countp         This result parameter is filled in with the server's
                    estimate of the size of the list.  If this parameter
                    is NULL, the size is not returned.  The value for
                    this result parameter is pulled from the con-
                    tentCount element of the BER-encoded VirtualList-
                    ViewResponse control value itself.

contextp            This result parameter is filled in with the address
                    of a struct berval that contains the server-
                    generated context identifier if one was returned by
                    the server.  If the server did not return a context
                    identifier, this parameter will be set to NULL.  The
                    struct berval returned SHOULD be disposed of by cal-
                    ling ber_bvfree() when it is no longer needed.  If
                    NULL is passed for contextp, the context identifier
                    is not returned.

errcodep            This result parameter is filled in with the VLV
                    result code.  If this parameter is NULL, the result
                    code is not returned.  The value for this result
                    parameter is pulled from the virtualListViewResult
                    element of the BER-encoded VirtualListViewResponse
                    control value itself.  As specified in the VLV pro-
                    tocol extension [VLV], it will have one of the fol-
                    lowing values:

                       LDAP_SUCCESS                (0);  defined in [CAPI]
                       LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR       (1);  defined in [CAPI]
                       LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM   (53); defined in [CAPI]
                       LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS    (50); defined in [CAPI]
                       LDAP_BUSY                   (51); defined in [CAPI]
                       LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED     (3);  defined in [CAPI]
                       LDAP_ADMINLIMIT_EXCEEDED    (11); defined in [CAPI]
                       LDAP_SORT_CONTROL_MISSING   (60); defined above
                       LDAP_INDEX_RANGE_ERROR      (61); defined above
                       LDAP_OTHER                  (80); defined in [CAPI]

The ldap_parse_vlv_control() function returns an LDAP error code that
indicates whether a VLV Result control was found and whether the parsing
was successful.  LDAP_SUCCESS is returned if all goes well,
LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND is returned if the ctrls array does not include a
VirtualListViewResponse control, and another LDAP error code that is
defined in [CAPI] is returned if a parsing error or other problem

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8.  Example Code

To be provided.

9.  Security Considerations

Most servers will be configured to restrict access to the Virtual List
View feature since poorly-behaved or malicious clients may cause many
resources to be consumed on the server, or allow users to retrieve too
many entries, or allow users to get an accurate count of the number of
entries present in a portion of the DIT.  Clients should take care to
not abuse the VLV feature and should be prepared for servers to refuse
to service a particular VLV request due to access control or other
site-defined policies.

Please see the protocol extension document [VLV] for a discussion of
related security considerations.

10.  Copyright

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998-1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to oth-
ers, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or
assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and dis-
tributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided
that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all
such copies and derivative works.  However, this document itself may not
be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or
references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations,
except as needed for the  purpose of developing Internet standards in
which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Stan-
dards process must be followed, or as required to translate it into
languages other than English.

The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS

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11.  Bibliography

[CAPI]      M. Smith, T. Howes, A. Herron, M. Wahl, A. Anantha, "The C
            LDAP Application Program Interface", INTERNET-DRAFT,
            <draft-ietf-ldapext-ldap-c-api-04.txt>, 8 October 1999.

[KEYWORDS]  S. Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Require-
            ment Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.

[LDAP]      M. Wahl, T. Howes, S. Kille, "Lightweight Directory Access
            Protocol (v3)", RFC 2251, December 1997.

[SSS]       A. Herron, T. Howes, M. Wahl, A. Anantha, "LDAP Control
            Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results",
            INTERNET-DRAFT, April 1999.

[SSSAPI]    C. Weider, A. Herron, T. Howes, M. Smith, M. Wahl, "LDAP API
            Extensions for Sort and Simple Paged Results", INTERNET-
            DRAFT, <draft-ietf-asid-ldapv3-api-ext-00.txt>, July 1997.

[VLV]       D. Boreham, J. Sermersheim, A. Anantha, M. Armijo, "LDAP
            Extensions for Scrolling View Browsing of Search Results",
            INTERNET-DRAFT <draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv-03.txt>, 11
            June 1999.

12.  Author's Address

   Mark Smith
   Netscape Communications Corp.
   501 E. Middlefield Rd., Mailstop MV068
   Mountain View, CA 94043
   +1 650 937-3477

13.  Appendix A - Summary of Additions to the C LDAP API

This extension introduces the following macros:


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This extension introduces the following structures and typedefs:


This extension introduces the following functions:


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