Building NSPR 2.0 on Windows NT and Windows 95
This document explains how to build the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) module. NSPR 2.0 can be built on Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 95.1. Install the compiler
- Visual C++ 4.2 or later.
2. Install the following tools: gmake.exe, shmsdos.exe, and uname.exe
- These tools are available as part of the distribution as
executable binaries (precompiled for either I386 or Alpha) or as sources.
The latest gmake
and bash from
the from Free Software Foundation are possible substitutes, though they
will not perform as well.
3. Check out the source code
- Check out the source code
- cvs co ns/nspr20
4. Build it
- Now you can build nspr20.
- cd ns\nspr20
gmake export
Note: on NT-Alpha, the name of the object directory would be WINNT4.0ALPHA_DBG.OBJ.
- We have some test programs in the directory ns\nspr20\pr\tests.
Assuming you are running Windows NT 4.0, the binary executables are created
in the WINNT4.0_DBG.OBJ subdirectory. To run the test program
cvar, for example, you say
cd ns\nspr20\pr\tests\WINNT4.0_DBG.OBJ
Last updated: Tue Mar 10 13:41:33 PST