About Mozilla
Mozilla is a global community, a public benefit organization and a technology for developers and users alike. We're motivated by a mission to promote openness and opportunity on the Internet, rather than business concerns, like profits or the price of stock. Yet Mozilla products still compete in a proprietary market, advancing technology in a revolutionary new way. Mozilla's Firefox Web browser has over 150 million users and is created by an international movement of thousands.
A Community
Mozilla's community cultivates collaborative innovation. Developers and programmers are central, but designers, testers, users and advocates are also key elements of the community. Over a thousand contributors generate open source code and thousands more volunteer in other capacities. The community is governed by a virtual management team made up of unpaid experts and employees from a range of companies, including the Mozilla Corporation, IBM and Red Hat. Leadership roles are granted based on how active an individual is within the community as well as the quality and nature of his or her contributions. This meritocracy is a resilient and effective way to guide our global community and create remarkable products. Learn how you can get involved.
An Organization
The Mozilla Foundation is a non-profit organization that sponsors the Mozilla project and promotes the principles of the Mozilla Manifesto. It supports the community of Mozilla contributors and assists those who are building technologies to benefit users worldwide. It wholly owns the Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Messaging subsidiaries, which develop and market specific Mozilla products such as Firefox and Thunderbird. Mozilla also has an international presence, with recognized affiliates in China, Europe and Japan, which promote the adoption of Mozilla products and technologies in these regions.
A Technology
The award-winning Firefox Web browser has reignited the pioneering spirit of the Web, but it is only one of dozens of applications powered by Mozilla. Some of these are non-profit, public benefit efforts, such as the powerful and flexible Thunderbird email client and the Miro video player, which combines the best things about TV with the power of the Internet. Other applications are created by groups of volunteers such as Camino, SeaMonkey and Sunbird. Commercial companies are also using Mozilla's open source code to create products such as Songbird, eMusic Remote, Flickr Uploadr, TomTom HOME and many more.