2 Layout and Positioning

2.1 The Box Layout System

View the remaining XUL1.0 box compliance issues in Bugzilla.

The box is one of the fundamental building blocks of XUL. Nearly all of the elements in XUL are boxes. Boxes are containers that define the layout of controls within a XUL document. Boxes lay out their children using a constraint-based system that supports both relative flexible sizing and intrinsic sizing.

In CSS, an inline box can be specified using the 'display' property with a value of inline-box. A block-level box can be specified with a value of box.

The 'float' property does not apply to children of box elements.

[Editor's Note: The following sections introduce new CSS properties that can be used with boxes. Because these properties are not yet part of any CSS standard, they are prefaced with '-moz-' in Mozilla. To use 'box-orient' in Mozilla, for example, you would actually type '-moz-box-orient'.]

Orientation and Direction

Value: horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit
Initial: inline-axis
Applies to: box elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: n/a
Media: visual
Computed Value: specified value

A box has both an orientation and a direction. The 'box-orient' CSS property specifies the orientation of the box. It has values of horizontal, vertical, inline-axis, block-axis, and inherit. A horizontal box lays out its children in a horizontal line, and a vertical box stacks its children vertically. The inline and block axes are the writing-mode dependent keywords which, in English, map to horizontal and vertical respectively.
Value: normal | reverse | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: box elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: n/a
Media: visual
Computed Value: specified value

The 'box-direction' CSS property specifies the direction of the box. It has values of normal, reverse, and inherit. A normal horizontal box lays out its children from left to right, and a normal vertical box lays out its children from top to bottom.

If direction and orientation are omitted on the outermost box in a box group, it is assumed to have a horizontal orientation and normal direction. Note that some widgets in XUL have vertical orientations as the default. If a widget has a default vertical orientation this will be explicitly mentioned in the widget's definition (see Section 3).

Most elements in XUL are actually boxes. Any box element in XUL supports two attributes for setting orientation and direction. These attributes are orient and dir. The supported values are the same as the corresponding CSS properties. To use a generic box in XUL, the box element can be used.

In addition, two shorthand tags can be used in XUL to describe boxes with specific orientations. hbox describes a horizontal box, i.e., a box with a an inline-axis orientation, and vbox describes a vertical box, i.e., a box with a block-axis orientation.

     <button label="Child 1"/>
     <button label="Child 2"/>

When items are placed in a box without specifying any additional information about their size, then the box sizes the children intrinsically. In other words, the box makes each child only as big as it needs to be.

Notice that in the above example, the two buttons are only as big as they need to be to display all of their text.

Widths can be specified for items inside a horizontal box. When an object specifies its width in CSS, it is telling the box that it would like to be that width. Similarly, heights can be specified in CSS for items in a vertical box. An unnested box placed inside an enclosing CSS block will obey all the usual sizing rules of the block. For example, setting the width of an unnested box to 100% ensures that the box is the maximum width permitted by the enclosing CSS block (ignoring any margins, border and padding on that box).

     <button style="width: 200px" label="Child 1"/>
     <button style="width: 100px" label="Child 2"/>

In this example, the first child is twice as wide as the second child, since it specified a width of 200 pixels. The second child specified a width of only 100 pixels.


Value: start | end | center | baseline | stretch | inherit
Initial: stretch
Applies to: box elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: n/a
Media: visual
Computed Value: specified value

The 'box-align' property specifies how controls are aligned along the orientation of the box. Its possible values are start, end, center, baseline, stretch and inherit. The initial value is stretch.

By default a horizontal box ensures that all children are the same height. Once a height is computed for a horizontal box, all of the children are stretched vertically to the height of the box (minus the CSS border and padding on the box). Similarly, a vertical box ensures that all its children are the same width. The stretch policy overrides any specified width or height values.

     <button label="Cat"/>
     <button label="Piranha"/>
     <button label="Antidisestablishmentarianism"/>

In addition to stretch, a box can also align its children using the values start, center, baseline and end. For a horizontal box, start aligns the children along the top of the box, center positions the children so that they are centered along the axis of the box, end aligns the children along the bottom of the box, and baseline aligns the children along the text baseline.

A vertical box can align its children using the same values as a horizontal box, with the exception of baseline. For a vertical box, start aligns the children along the left side of the box, center positions the chidlren so that they are centered along the axis of the box, and end aligns the children along the right side of the box.

When a value other than stretch is used, the box's children are no longer stretched. They are sized intrinsically and then aligned on the box axis according to the specified property value on the containing box.

For XUL elements that are boxes, the align attribute can also be used to specify the alignment of a box. It has the same values as the corresponding CSS property.


Items in boxes fall into two categories: flexible and inflexible. Inflexible objects will not grow, even when there is extra space left over in the box.

<hbox style="width: 400px;">
     <button style="width: 200px" label="Child 1"/>
     <button style="width: 100px" label="Child 2"/>

Value: <number> | inherit
Initial: 0.0
Applies to: box elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: n/a
Media: visual
Computed Value: specified value

An object becomes flexible when the box-flex CSS property is specified for an element. box-flex has a floating point value representing the flexibility of the object. Its default value is 0, which indicates that the object is inflexible. Objects that are flexible can shrink or grow as the box shrinks and grows. Whenever there is extra space left over in a box, the flexible objects are expanded to fill that space. All flex is relative. For example, a child with a flex of 2 is twice as flexible as a child with a flex of 1.

<vbox style="height: 200px">
     <button label="Cat"/>
     <button style="box-flex: 1" label="Piranha"/>
     <button label="Antidisestablishmentarianism"/>

In the above example, the box is 200 pixels tall, which is more than enough room for the three buttons. Because the first and third buttons are inflexible, they remain the same size as in the previous example. The second button is specified as being flexible, and because it is the only flexible object in the box, it receives all of the extra space.

When several objects in a box are flexible, the extra space is divided among the objects based on how flexible they are. The box determines how much space to give an object by adding up the flex values on all of its children. An object gets an amount of extra space equal to the percentage of flex that it is responsible for.

For example, if two objects have a flex of 1, then after both objects are given their preferred sizes, the first object gets 1/(1+1) = 1/2 of the extra space, and the second object also gets 1/2 of the extra space.

<vbox style="height: 200px">
     <button style="box-flex: 1" label="Cat"/>
     <button style="box-flex: 1" label="Piranha"/>

Here is another example using objects with different flex values.

<vbox style="height: 200px">
     <button style="box-flex: 1" label="Cat"/>
     <button style="box-flex: 2" label="Piranha"/>
     <button style="box-flex: 3" label="Canary"/>

For XUL elements that are boxes, the flex attribute can also be used to specify the alignment of a box. It has the same values as the corresponding CSS property.

Preferred, Minimum, and Maximum Sizes

For inflexible objects, the specification of the 'width' and 'height' CSS properties can be used to specify an object's size. If these properties are omitted, an inflexible object will be sized intrinsically, i.e., it will be given the minimum amount of space required to lay out the item.

With flexible objects, there are more options. Just as with inflexible objects, the 'width' and 'height' properties can be used to specify a preferred size. However, unlike inflexible objects, this size is only a guideline. A flexible object will stretch as necessary. It will also shrink if required until it can shrink no more (e.g., when the object hits its minimum required intrinsic size).

   <button flex="1" style="height:1000px" label="Cat"/>

In the above example the box is shrinking, and despite the specification of 1000 pixels as the preferred height, the button, because it is flexible, shrinks with the box. It continues to shrink until the minimum required height for the button is reached. After that, the button can shrink no further. If the box were to continue to shrink, the button's contents would be clipped, and a portion of the button would no longer be visible.

Items within a box can therefore have their own notions of minimum and maximum intrinsic sizes. In the above example, the button could not get any smaller than the minimum height required to draw its borders and its text.

For a more fine-grained control of minimum and maximum sizes, the 'min-width', 'min-height', 'max-width', and 'max-height' CSS properties can be used. When specified, these properties provide extra information to the box as it shrinks and grows the object in question.

In a horizontal box, for example, if a minimum width is specified, then the flexible object will not be allowed to shrink below that width. If a maximum width is specified, then the flexible object will not be allowed to grow beyond that width.

    <iframe style="box-flex: 1; min-height:100px; max-height:300px; 

The above example demonstrates the use of 'min-height' and 'max-height' within a vertical box. In the first image the box has been shrunk until it is smaller than 100 pixels in height. Because the iframe has a specified minimum height of 100 pixels, it is not allowed to shrink any further, and so as the box falls below 100 pixels, the iframe gets clipped, and portions of it become invisible.

In the second image, the box has been expanded past 300 pixels in height. Even though the box is getting bigger, the extra space is not being consumed by the iframe, because its maximum height of 300 pixels has been reached. It will grow no further.

Below is another example illustrating min and max width.

     <button style="box-flex: 1; max-width: 50px" label="Child 1"/>
     <button style="box-flex: 1; min-width: 50px" label="Child 2"/>

In the above example, the box has been stretched so that it is very wide. The first child has a maximum width of 50 pixels, and it divides the excess space equally with the second child until its maximum width has been reached. After that, since it is not allowed to grow any further, the remaining space all goes to the second child.

For XUL box elements, the attributes width, height, minwidth, minheight, maxwidth, and maxheight can all be used to specify sizes. Their possible values correspond to the allowed values of their corresponding CSS properties.

Packing Controls

Value: start | end | center | justify | inherit
Initial: justify
Applies to: box elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: n/a
Media: visual
Computed Value: specified value

When all of the items within a box are inflexible or when all objects have grown to their maximum sizes and can stretch no further, extra space may be left over in the box. An additional property can be used to dictate how any additional space should be distributed between objects. The CSS property 'box-pack' has the possible values of start, end, center, justify and inherit. The default is start.

<box style="box-align: center; box-pack: center; 
                 width: 300px; height: 300px">
     <button label="centered"/>

In the above example, the button is centered within the box using the 'box-align' and 'box-pack' properties together. The former centers the button vertically, and the latter centers the button horizontally.

For XUL elements that are boxes, the pack attribute can also be used to specify the alignment of a box. It has the same values as the corresponding CSS property.

Ordinal Groups

Value: <integer> | inherit
Initial: 1
Applies to: children of box elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: n/a
Media: visual
Computed Value: specified value

Children of a box element can be assigned to ordinal groups using the 'box-ordinal-group' property. This property is a natural number value. The default value is 1.

Ordinal groups can be used in conjunction with the 'box-direction' property to control the order in which objects appear within a box. When the specified direction is normal, a box will start with the lowest numbered ordinal group and ensure that those objects appear to the left (for horizontal boxes) or at the top (for vertical boxes) of the container. Objects with the same ordinal group are flowed in the order they were declared in the content model. An object of a lower ordinal group will always appear before an object of a higher ordinal group. In the reverse direction, the highest ordinal group appears first, and the container positions objects from the highest group down to the lowest.

XUL elements support a shorthand attribute for specifying an ordinal group. The attribute ordinal can be used, and its allowed values are identical to those allowed by the 'box-ordinal-group' CSS property.


Items within a box can use the CSS 'visibility' property to render themselves invisible. Boxes behave like tables in that the value collapsed can be used to specify that an item within a box should not take up any space at all (just like display:none). Flexible objects expand as needed to fill any space left open by a collapsed item.


Items within a box may use the CSS 'overflow' property to obtain horizontal and vertical scrollbars as needed. Flexible objects that shrink below their minimum intrinsic size can display scrollbars using the auto value. If overflow is hidden, the object will be clipped instead. Note that the initial value is visible, which is typically not the preferred effect in user interfaces.

Inlines and Blocks

Whether an element is inline or block when placed directly inside a box is irrelevant. Objects will be flowed horizontally or vertically based off the 'box-orient' property.

When any raw text nodes are encountered directly inside a box, an anonymous block is constructed to wrap the text. This anonymous block then participates in the box layout as a single item. This is the same as in CSS2.

2.2 Stacking Elements

View the remaining stack compliance issues in Bugzilla.

Current CSS provides no means of stacking elements (i.e., positioning one element on top of another element) within a container while still allowing that container to be intrinsically sized. XUL addresses this limitation through the use of a new display type called a stack.

A stack is defined using the 'stack' display property. An inline stack can be defined using the 'inline-stack' display property. All child elements are stacked such that the upper left hand corners of their margin boxes are aligned with the upper left hand corner of the stack's content box. If a stack is forced to size intrinsically, then the stack will expand such that all children can be displayed.

Visibility can be used to control whether or not a child contributes to the intrinsic sizing of the stack. For example, a visibility of 'collapse' will result in a child being invisible and will also result in that child being omitted from any sizing calculations. A visibility of 'hidden' will result in a child being invisible, but that child will potentially affect the size of the stack.

By default a stack's children are ordered from bottom to top, i.e., the first child of a stack has the lowest z-index, and the last child has the highest z-index. The CSS2 'z-index' property can be used to adjust or control this ordering.

By default children are positioned at (0,0) within the stack's content box. The CSS properties left and top can be used to specify an offset from the upper left hand corner of the stack's content box.

The stack tag in XUL can be used to define a stack. XUL elements also support left and top attributes that are analogous to the CSS properties of the same name.

2.3 Grids

View the remaining grid compliance issues in Bugzilla.

The box can be extended into two dimensions through the use of a grid element. A grid contains exactly two children, specialized boxes called grid groups. One group defines the columns and the second defines the rows. In XUL the elements used to describe the grid and its groups are grid, rows and columns.

A grid is conceptually similar to tables, but significantly simpler in practice. Conceptually the grid is a stack that consists of two layers, typically a bottom layer that contains the columns, and a top layer that contains the rows. The layers can be stacked in any order, using the same rules that apply to stacks.

All columns and rows in a grid must be specified explicitly. (Grids are thus simplified by not supporting dynamic discovery of the number of columns the way HTML tables do).

The following additional values for the CSS display property allow grids to be used from CSS: grid, inline-grid, grid-group and grid-line. The grid-group and grid-line properties, when used in conjunction with the box-orient property define the rows, columns, row and column elements.

A grid group is a specialized box that contains grid lines. Each line defines an individual column or row (depending on the orientation of the enclosing grid group). In XUL, the tags for grid lines are row and column. The row element is used inside a rows group, and the column element is used inside a columns group.

Grid lines contain boxes that make up the cells of the grid, and they can be placed within either a column or a row. Note that with this layout it is possible for two objects to be placed within the same (i,j) position of the grid, one in the bottom columns layer, and the other in the rows layer.

The 'box-align' and 'box-flex' properties, when specified on a row or a column, apply to all the cells in the row or column. These properties are ignored when specified on objects inside a row or column. The properties on the row and column override. Similarly, widths and heights and min/max-widths and heights can be specified on rows and columns and will override anything specified on cells.

Note that 'box-pack' is unnecessary in a grid, since 'box-align' can be specified on both the row and column to allow for full control of a cell's positioning.

<grid style="width:300px; height:300px">
        <column style="width: 0; box-flex: 1"/>
        <column style="width: 0; box-flex: 1"/>
        <row style="height: 0; box-flex: 1">
            <button label="Child 1,1"/>
            <button label="Child 1,2"/>
        <row style="height: 0; box-flex: 1">
            <button label="Child 2,1"/>
            <button label="Child 2,2"/>

A sample stylesheet that defined the XUL elements used in the example above might be defined as follows:

  grid { display: grid; }
  columns { display: grid-group;  box-orient: horizontal; }
  rows { display: grid-group; box-orient: vertical; }
  column { display: grid-line; box-orient: vertical; }
  row { display: grid-line; box-orient: horizontal; }
  button { display: box; }

The rows and columns elements can flex and overflow just as other boxes can, allowing for scrolling grids in either the horizontal or vertical direction (e.g., a spreadsheet).

Rows and columns elements can be nested and used in conjunction with the 'visibility' (e.g., collapsed) and 'overflow' (e.g., auto) properties to obtain a multi-column tree widget with a scrolling body.

Because the two children of the grid element are just boxes, they can contain content other than rows and columns. By default this content will be stretched across the whole grid, e.g., a text area placed in between two rows would stretch to fill the entire width of the grid. By allowing other objects within the rows and columns, many use cases involving spans become unnecessary. Spans, therefore, are not supported in grids.

2.4 Popups

View the remaining popup compliance issues in Bugzilla.
View the popups test page (Works only in Mozilla)

XUL defines a new type of widget called a popup. A popup is a special type of layout object that is not part of the normal flow of a document. Popups are used to define menus, tooltips, and other widgets that appear under a mouse pointer or aligned to other content.

The value popup has been added to the 'display' property. When this value is applied to an element, the following changes apply:

  1. The element is taken out of flow and not shown (same as display:none).
  2. If the element's 'overflow' property has a specified value of visible then the computed value becomes hidden. Other values stay unaffected.

XUL defines three types of popup elements. The menupopup defines a popup that is used to hold menu items. It is used with menus, menu lists, and context menus. The second type of popup defined is floatingwindow, and it is used for floating (e.g., palette) windows. The third type of popup is the tooltip, and it is used for the display of tooltips.

The behavior of menu popups is handled automatically by XUL. The menu's submenu popup will show and hide according to the normal menu rules of the user agent.

XUL also provides shorthands for associating popups with a given element. All XUL elements support three attributes. These attributes all take as their values the ID of an element with a popup display type. They also support the special keyword '_child', which can be used to indicate that the menupopup or tooltip is an immediate child of the element.

These shorthand forms of the popup syntax hide the details of how popups are shown and dismissed from the XUL author. However, there are times when the author will desire precise control over when the popup should be displayed as well as over the positioning of the popup.

The XULPopupElement Interface

The XULPopupElement interface contains methods for showing and hiding popups.

IDL Definition
interface XULPopupElement : XULElement {
  const unsigned short      BEFORE_START                   = 1;
  const unsigned short      BEFORE_END                     = 2;
  const unsigned short      AFTER_START                    = 3;
  const unsigned short      AFTER_END                      = 4;
  const unsigned short      START_BEFORE                   = 5;
  const unsigned short      START_AFTER                    = 6;
  const unsigned short      END_BEFORE                     = 7;
  const unsigned short      END_AFTER                      = 8;
  const unsigned short      OVERLAP                        = 9;
  const unsigned short      AT_POINTER                     = 10;
  const unsigned short      AFTER_POINTER                  = 11;

  attribute DOMString position;
  void showPopup(in unsigned short alignment, 
                 in Element target,
                 in Element anchor);
  void hidePopup();

Sets the default position of the popup when shown via one of the builtin mechanisms (e.g., tooltips, context menus, and menus). This property corresponds to the position attribute described above.
Shows the element as a popup. If the element doesn't have the 'display' property set to popup, this will raise a NOT_A_POPUP_ERR. Calling this method will cause the following events: First, a popupshowing event is triggered (it is cancellable, cancelling that event will prevent the popup from showing), second, the popup is aligned, and finally a popupshown event is triggered.
alignment of type unsigned short
One of the alignment constants. See the descriptions below.
target of type Element
The element that the popup will be positioned relative to (it may itself be part of a popup, for example this is the case for cascading menus). If the target is null, then the point representing the (last known) position of the pointing device is used instead. If the target element is not visible, or if there is it is null but there is no pointing device, then the viewport is used instead. If the viewport is not visible, then the whole screen is used. This ensures that the popup will appear, regardless of how it was triggered.
anchor of type Element
The element to position relative to the target. This must be either the popup itself, or one of the popup's descendants (excluding anonymous nodes that are not in the default view). If null is used, then that implies the element. If the anchor has no defined position (which can happen if is hidden using CSS for example) then its closest ancestor which will have a position when the popup is shown is used instead.
No Return Value
Raised if the element doesn't have the 'display' property set to popup.
Raised if the anchor is not a descendant of the element or if it is an annoymous descendant that is not in the default view.
Thie method can be invoked on a visible popup to make it go away. This will trigger a popuphiding event. This event is cancellable, and canceling the event will prevent the popup from disappearing. If the event is not cancelled, then the popup is hidden and a popuphidden event is triggered.
No Parameters
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Defined Constants
The first eight of these constants use a consistent naming scheme based on the writing-mode independent "BASE" system (Before After Start End, which map, in a left-to-right top-to-bottom writing mode such as English, to the Top Bottom Left and Right sides respectively). The first word represents the side of the target which should be adjacent to the opposite side of the anchor, and the second word represents the sides of the target and anchor which should be aligned so as to be parallel to each other.
The "before" side of the target is made adjacent to the "after" side of the anchor, and the "start" sides of the target and anchor are aligned.
The "before" side of the target is made adjacent to the "after" side of the anchor, and the "end" sides of the target and anchor are aligned.
The "after" side of the target is made adjacent to the "before" side of the anchor, and the "start" sides of the target and anchor are aligned.
The "after" side of the target is made adjacent to the "before" side of the anchor, and the "end" sides of the target and anchor are aligned.
The "start" side of the target is made adjacent to the "end" side of the anchor, and the "before" sides of the target and anchor are aligned.
The "start" side of the target is made adjacent to the "end" side of the anchor, and the "after" sides of the target and anchor are aligned.
The "end" side of the target is made adjacent to the "start" side of the anchor, and the "before" sides of the target and anchor are aligned.
The "end" side of the target is made adjacent to the "start" side of the anchor, and the "after" sides of the target and anchor are aligned.
The before/start corners of the target and anchor elements are overlapped so that (if they have the same size) they appear over each other.
The "after" side of the target is made adjacent to the "before" side of the anchor, and the "start" side of the anchor is aligned with the last known position of the pointing device, if any, or with the "start" side of the target, if there is no pointing device.
Special Cases

If the target is null and there is a pointing device, then the last known position of the pointer is used as the target in the cases above. So for example, if alignment is set to BEFORE_START or END_AFTER, then the before/start corner of the popup is positioned at the pointer.

XUL popup elements support a shorthand attribute called position that can be used to declaratively define where the popup should appear. The possible values of the position attribute are the string forms of the constants specified in the XULPopupElement above. These strings are lower case. For example to indicate that a popup should overlap its target, a popup could be defined as follows.

<menupopup position="overlap">

When the target is a point and not a region, the following constants become equivalent:


If the popup is smaller than the screen, then the popup must appear completely on the screen. If, after aligning the popup as specified by the arguments to the showPopup method, the popup would overflow the screen, then the following algorithm should be used. The algorithm should be followed step by step until the popup fits on the screen.

  1. If the popup is wider (taller) than the screen, then its outer margin width (height) should be set to the width (height) of the screen (the 'overflow' property applies).
  2. If the alignment is OVERLAP and the anchor is not the popup element itself, then position the anchor as required, then shift the popup such that it touches the sides of the screen where the anchor overflows the screen (if that is in only one direction, the other axis therefore remains unaffected), and apply the 'overflow' property at that scroll position.
  3. Otherwise, some as-yet-undecided algorithm is used to try each alignment value in turn, and if no possibility is found, then the popup menu is positioned on the side that had the most room, and then the dimensions of the popup are changed so that (from drop downs) it touches the relevant side of the screen or (for side opening popups) it is moved so that it touches one of the sides.

Popup Display Events

Four new events are introduced, all related to popups. These use the base DOM Event interface to pass contextual information. The different types of such events that can occur are:

The popupShowing event occurs when the popupShow method is called. This event is only valid for elements whose 'display' property has the value popup. If the event is cancelled or if false is returned from the event handler, then the popup will not be shown.
  • Bubbles: No
  • Cancelable: Yes
  • Context Info: None
The popupShown event occurs after a popup has been displayed. This event is only valid for elements whose 'display' property has the value popup.
  • Bubbles: No
  • Cancelable: No
  • Context Info: None
The popupHiding event occurs when the popupHide method is called. This event is only valid for elements whose 'display' property has the value popup and which are currently displayed. If the event is cancelled (or if the event handler returns false), then the popup will remain visible.
  • Bubbles: No
  • Cancelable: Yes
  • Context Info: None
The popupHidden event occurs after a popup has been hidden (also referred to as cancelling the popup). This event is only valid for elements whose 'display' property has the value popup.
  • Bubbles: No
  • Cancelable: No
  • Context Info: None

During the handling of a popup event (i.e., one of the four events described above), or at any time while a popup is open, scripts may need to access the node that was originally hit when the popup was first invoked. This node will always be a descendant of the element to which the popup was attached using one of the three shorthand attributes (menu, contextmenu, and tooltip), or it will be the element itself. The XULDocument interface contains accessors for all three types: popupNode is used for menus and context menus (since both are never active in XUL at the same time), and tooltipNode is used for the target of the current tooltip.