@echo off set MOZ_BITS=32 REM To build an optimized release, set "MOZ_DEBUG=" (no number!) set MOZ_DEBUG=1 REM I don't think this var is important at all. set CM_BLDTYPE=dbg set MOZ_GOLD=1 set MOZ_MEDIUM=1 REM Change these for your machine. REM They should point to the parent REM directories for "mozilla." set MOZ_OUT=z: set MOZ_SRC=z: set AWT_11=1 set MOZ_VCVER=42 set OS_TARGET=WINNT REM Change these ones too. You'll need to REM download the windows build tools. set MOZ_TOOLS=z:\nstools set JAVA_HOME=z:\nstools set MOZ_JAVA= set NO_SECURITY=1 set NSPR20=1 set MODULAR_NETLIB=1 set CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot set CVS_CLIENT_PORT=2605 set STANDALONE_IMAGE_LIB=1 REM You will need to change these ones. REM remember you will need the GNU tools REM for rm, mv, etc. in your path. set PATH=c:\WinNT35;c:\WinNT35\system32;c:\nstools;c:\msdev\bin;c:\msdev\bin\winnt;c:\cvs;z:\nstools;z:\usr\local\bin; set INCLUDE=c:\msdev\include;c:\msdev\mfc\include REM Note: NGLayout does not use MFC. Whoopee! set LIB=c:\msdev\lib;c:\msdev\mfc\lib REM Yay! MichaelP got plug-ins to work. REM this var turns them on in your build. set NGLAYOUT_PLUGINS=1 REM This is purely a convenience function for me. REM You don't need this. z: cd mozilla