JavaScript 2.0

Thursday, May 22, 2003

User-overridable operators had originally been part of the JavaScript 2.0 proposal but were deferred to a future version of the language in order to keep JavaScript 2.0 small. If implemented, operator overriding might behave as described in this section.


JavaScript 2.0 provides a number of operators such as such as +, *, a[b], and -=. These operators are dispatched based on the types of their arguments. Some operators are dispatched only on one operand, in which case the dispatch behaves like property lookup. Other operators are dispatched on two operands simultaneously. Finally, some operators are syntactic sugars for combinations of existing operators.

There are predefined definitions for all JavaScript operators. In addition, a class may provide additional definitions by overriding the existing behavior. Such overrides apply only when at least one of the dispatched operands is an instance of that class or its descendants. Operator overriding is useful, for example, to implement units without having to add units to the core of the JavaScript 2.0 language.

This section presents the expansions of operators in JavaScript source code, the built-in definitions of those operators, and the means of overriding them.

Invoking Operators

When an operator is invoked in an expression, the corresponding operator is invoked according to the table below. The operator invocations use pseudo-syntax to denote which operator is called; only the expression syntax on the left side of the table can be used to invoke operators.

Expression Operator Invocation
+x operator "+"(x)
-x operator "-"(x)
~x operator "~"(x)
++x (x = operator "++"(x))
x++ ( = xx = operator "++"(x), ), where is a temporary variable
--x (x = operator "--"(x))
x-- ( = xx = operator "--"(x), ), where is a temporary variable
x(a1, operator "()"(xa1,
new x operator "new"(x)
new x(a1, operator "new"(xa1,
x[a1,] operator "[]"(xa1,
x[a1,] = y operator "[]="(xya1,
delete x[a1,]   operator "delete[]"(xa1,
x + y operator "+"(xy)
x - y operator "-"(xy)
x * y operator "*"(xy)
x / y operator "/"(xy)
x % y operator "%"(xy)
x << y operator "<<"(xy)
x >> y operator ">>"(xy)
x >>> y operator ">>>"(xy)
x < y operator "<"(xy)
x > y operator "<"(yx)
x <= y operator "<="(xy)
x >= y operator "<="(yx)
x in y operator "in"(xy)
x == y operator "=="(xy)
x != y !(operator "=="(xy))
x === y operator "==="(xy)
x !== y !(operator "==="(xy))
x & y operator "&"(xy)
x ^ y operator "^"(xy)
x | y operator "|"(xy)
x += y (x = operator "+"(xy))
x -= y (x = operator "-"(xy))
x *= y (x = operator "*"(xy))
x /= y (x = operator "/"(xy))
x %= y (x = operator "%"(xy))
x <<= y (x = operator "<<"(xy))
x >>= y (x = operator ">>"(xy))
x >>>= y (x = operator ">>>"(xy))
x &= y (x = operator "&"(xy))
x ^= y (x = operator "^"(xy))
x |= y (x = operator "|"(xy))

Operator Dispatch

Unary operators are single-dispatched just like regular methods. in is like a unary operator in that it can only be overridden by its right operand’s class, and it is single-dispatched by its right operand. Like in regular method dispatch, null is considered to be a member of only the types Null and Object.

Binary operator methods are double-dispatched based on the types of both operands. When one of the binary operators is invoked in an expression a  b, all applicable operator ""(xy) methods are examined to find the most specific one, which is then called. A definition of operator ""(x:Xy:Y) is applicable to a  b if the value of a is a member of X and the value of b is a member of Y, except that, like in regular method dispatch, null is considered to be a member of only the types Null and Object. A definition of operator ""(x:Xy:Y) is most specific if it is applicable and if every applicable definition of operator ""(x:X'y:Y') satisfies X X' and Y Y'. If there is no most specific applicable definition of or if there is more than one most specific applicable definition of , then an error occurs when the expression a  b is evaluated.

One of the operands of an operator expression inside a class C can be a super expression, in which case the set of applicable definitions of the operator is restricted to those defined to take a parameter of type T in that position, where T is any proper ancestor of C. This way a method overriding an operator can invoke its superclass’s definition of that operator.

Expression Grammar Changes

To accommodate super expressions, the grammar rules for expressions would be changed as described below.

Super Expressions

The SuperExpression grammar rule is split into two to make FullSuperExpression into a separate rule:

|  FullSuperExpression
FullSuperExpression  super ParenExpression

super, which may only be used inside a class C, can be applied to a subexpression that evaluates to an instance v of C. That subexpression can be either a ParenExpression or omitted, in which case it defaults to this.

As specified in the grammar below, the SuperExpression must be embedded as an operand of one of the following operators:

super changes the behavior of the operator in which it is embedded by limiting its property search to definitions inherited from class C’s superclass. See property lookup and operator dispatch.

Postfix Expressions

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of () (call), new, new(), and postfix ++ and --. Unmodified rules are not shown below.

|  SuperExpression
|  ExpressionQualifiedIdentifier
|  FullNewExpression
|  FullPostfixExpression PropertyOperator
|  SuperExpression PropertyOperator
|  FullPostfixExpression Arguments
|  FullSuperExpression Arguments
|  PostfixExpressionOrSuper [no line break] ++
|  PostfixExpressionOrSuper [no line break] --
   new FullNewSubexpression Arguments
|  new FullSuperExpression Arguments
   new ShortNewSubexpression
|  new SuperExpression

Unary Operators

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of unary +, -, and ~ as well as prefix ++ and -- operators.

|  delete PostfixExpression
|  void UnaryExpression
|  typeof UnaryExpression
|  ++ PostfixExpressionOrSuper
|  -- PostfixExpressionOrSuper
|  + UnaryExpressionOrSuper
|  - UnaryExpressionOrSuper
|  - NegatedMinLong
|  ~ UnaryExpressionOrSuper
|  ! UnaryExpression
|  SuperExpression

Multiplicative Operators

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of binary *, /, and % operators.

|  MultiplicativeExpressionOrSuper * UnaryExpressionOrSuper
|  MultiplicativeExpressionOrSuper / UnaryExpressionOrSuper
|  MultiplicativeExpressionOrSuper % UnaryExpressionOrSuper
|  SuperExpression

Additive Operators

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of binary + and - operators.

|  AdditiveExpressionOrSuper + MultiplicativeExpressionOrSuper
|  AdditiveExpressionOrSuper - MultiplicativeExpressionOrSuper
|  SuperExpression

Bitwise Shift Operators

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of the <<, >>, and >>> operators.

|  ShiftExpressionOrSuper << AdditiveExpressionOrSuper
|  ShiftExpressionOrSuper >> AdditiveExpressionOrSuper
|  ShiftExpressionOrSuper >>> AdditiveExpressionOrSuper
|  SuperExpression

Relational Operators

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of the <, >, <=, and >= operators and the right operand of an in operator.

|  RelationalExpressionOrSuperallowIn < ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionOrSuperallowIn > ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionOrSuperallowIn <= ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionOrSuperallowIn >= ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionallowIn is ShiftExpression
|  RelationalExpressionallowIn as ShiftExpression
|  RelationalExpressionallowIn in ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionallowIn instanceof ShiftExpression
|  RelationalExpressionOrSupernoIn < ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionOrSupernoIn > ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionOrSupernoIn <= ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionOrSupernoIn >= ShiftExpressionOrSuper
|  RelationalExpressionnoIn is ShiftExpression
|  RelationalExpressionnoIn as ShiftExpression
|  RelationalExpressionnoIn instanceof ShiftExpression
|  SuperExpression

Equality Operators

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of the ==, !=, ===, and !== operators.

|  EqualityExpressionOrSuper == RelationalExpressionOrSuper
|  EqualityExpressionOrSuper != RelationalExpressionOrSuper
|  EqualityExpressionOrSuper === RelationalExpressionOrSuper
|  EqualityExpressionOrSuper !== RelationalExpressionOrSuper
|  SuperExpression

Binary Bitwise Operators

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of the &, ^, and | operators.

|  BitwiseAndExpressionOrSuper & EqualityExpressionOrSuper
|  BitwiseXorExpressionOrSuper ^ BitwiseAndExpressionOrSuper
|  BitwiseOrExpressionOrSuper | BitwiseXorExpressionOrSuper
|  SuperExpression
|  SuperExpression
|  SuperExpression

Assignment Operators

These grammar rules are modified to permit super expressions as operands of the +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, |=, ^=, and &= operators.

|  PostfixExpression = AssignmentExpression
|  PostfixExpressionOrSuper CompoundAssignment AssignmentExpression
|  PostfixExpressionOrSuper CompoundAssignment SuperExpression
|  PostfixExpression LogicalAssignment AssignmentExpression

Built-In Operator Definitions

All operators have built-in definitions. These are summarized in the table below.

Name Signature Behavior
"()" (x:Object, ... args) Call x with the arguments args and return the result.
"new" (x:Object, ... args) Call x’s constructor slot with the arguments args and return the result.
"[]" (x:Object, n:Object) Return the value of x’s most derived public property named n.toString(). See property lookup.
"[]=" (x:Object, y:Object, n:Object) Set the value of x’s most derived public property named n.toString() to y.
(x:Array, y:Object, n:Object) Set the value of x’s most derived public property named n.toString() to y. Update the length property as in JavaScript 1.5.
"delete[]" (x:Object, n:Object) Try to delete x’s most derived public property named n.toString().
"~" (x:Object) Return the bitwise complement of ToInt32(operator "+"(x)).
"++" (x:Object) Return operator "+"(operator "+"(x), 1).
"--" (x:Object) Return operator "-"(operator "+"(x), 1).
"+" (x:Object) Return ToNumber(x).
(x:Object, y:Object) Let x' = ToPrimitive(x) and y' = ToPrimitive(y). If at least one of x' and y' is a string, then return operator "+"(x'y'). Otherwise return ToNumber(x') + ToNumber(y').
(x:String, y:Object) Return x concatenated with y.toString().
(x:Object, y:String) Return x.toString() concatenated with y.
(x:String, y:String) Return x concatenated with y.
(x:Number, y:Number) Return x + y.
"-" (x:Object) Return -ToNumber(x).
(x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) – ToNumber(y).
"*" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x ToNumber(y).
"/" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) / ToNumber(y).
"%" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) % ToNumber(y).
"<<" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) << ToNumber(y).
">>" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) >> ToNumber(y).
">>>" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) >>> ToNumber(y).
"<" (x:Object, y:Object) Same as in JavaScript 1.5.
">=" (x:Object, y:Object) Same as in JavaScript 1.5.
"in" (x:Object, y:Object) Same as in JavaScript 1.5.
"==" (x:Object, y:Object) Same as in JavaScript 1.5.
"===" (x:Object, y:Object) Same as in JavaScript 1.5.
"&" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) & ToNumber(y).
"^" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) ^ ToNumber(y).
"|" (x:Object, y:Object) Return ToNumber(x) | ToNumber(y).

Operator Overriding

An operator can be overridden only inside a class C. That class should define a function with the operator attribute (operator is an additional member modifier attribute). The function’s name must be one of the strings in the table below. The name must be a string rather than an identifier; the FunctionName grammar rule is extended to allow strings:

|  get [no line break] Identifier
|  set [no line break] Identifier
|  String

A FunctionName can be a String only for operator overrides.

The table also defines the acceptable signatures that the operator can have. At least one parameter must be specified as taking a value of type C (a type that is a subclass of C is not acceptable). If the operator is ===, then both parameters must take values of type C. A class can define several different signatures of the same binary (but not unary) operator, differing in the choice of parameter types X or Y, which may be omitted if they are Object. The parameters denoted as taking types C, X, or Y in the table below cannot be optional or named parameters. The return type of an operator override can be any type.

Name Signatures
"===" (x:Cy:C)
"in" (x:Xy:C)
"[]=" (x:Cy:Ya1,

The operator methods should return the result of the operator. For the ++ and -- operators, the result is the incremented or decremented value. The (), new, [], delete[], and []= operators take additional argument lists. If desired, these argument lists can include optional, named, or rest arguments. The []= operator must take one more initial required parameter, which is the value stored in the element.

The >, >=, !=, and !== operators cannot be overridden directly because they are syntactic sugars for invocations of the <, <=, ==, and === operators; override the latter operators instead. The !, ||, ^^, &&, and ?: operators cannot be overridden directly, but they are affected by any redefinition of toBoolean. The reason for not overriding ||, &&, and ?: is that they do not always evaluate all of their arguments, and programmers often take advantage of this short-circuiting behavior. ! is not overridable in order to preserve useful identities such as:

Definitions of operators cannot specify a namespace. No access restrictions can be imposed on operators.


The following class illustrates overriding a few operators.

class Complex {
  var x:Number, y:Number;

  operator function "+"(a:Complex):Complex {
    return a;

  operator function "-"(a:Complex):Complex {
    return new Complex(x: -a.x, y: -a.y);

  operator function "+"(a:Complex, b:Complex):Complex {
    return new Complex(x: a.x+b.x, y: a.y+b.y);

  operator function "+"(a:Complex, b:Number):Complex {
    return new Complex(x: a.x+b, y: a.y);

  operator function "+"(a:Number, b:Complex):Complex {
    return new Complex(x: a+b.x, y: b.y);

  function toBoolean():Boolean {
    return this.x != 0 || this.y != 0;

toBoolean Method

Just like toString, every object has a toBoolean method that can be overridden. This method is called by statements such as if, while, do while, and for and operators such as !, ||, ^^, &&, and ? :. This method should return either true or false.

For-In Operator

An object x’s class can override the meaning of for-in loops such as for (v in x) by overriding the following three methods which are located in the system-defined namespace Iterator:

Method Description
x.Iterator::forIn() If the iteration is empty, return null. Otherwise, return an object o with public properties named value and state (o may also have other properties). The value of o.value is the first element returned by the iteration. The value of o.state can have any type and will be passed exactly once to either Iterator::next or Iterator::done. The value of o is not guaranteed to be valid after o.state is passed to Iterator::next or Iterator::done.
x.Iterator::next(i) i was returned by a previous call to Iterator::forIn or Iterator::next. If the iteration is done, return null. Otherwise, return an object o with public properties named value and state (o may also have other properties). The value of o.value is the next element returned by the iteration. The value of o.state can have any type and will be passed exactly once to either Iterator::next or Iterator::done. The value of o is not guaranteed to be valid after o.state is passed to Iterator::next or Iterator::done.
x.Iterator::done(i) i was returned by a previous call to Iterator::forIn or Iterator::next. This call alerts x that the iteration is exiting prematurely and it can do whatever cleanup it needs on i. Every i returned by Iterator::forIn or Iterator::next is guaranteed to be subsequently passed exactly once either to Iterator::next or Iterator::done. Iterator::done should return undefined.


A few other approaches had been considered for overriding the for-in operator. The three-method approach above was chosen for the following reasons:

Class Reflection Operator

Earlier drafts of this proposal had a .class operator that returned an instance’s class. This operator was defined using the grammar production:

   . QualifiedIdentifier
|  . class
|  Brackets

The operator was removed because obtaining an instance’s class breaks abstraction. The client of a factory method m could determine whether m was returning instances of some stated class C or subclasses of C, and m could not evolve to alter its implementation decision of what precise instances to return without potentially breaking clients.

Waldemar Horwat
Last modified Thursday, May 22, 2003